So, the Flash trailer dropped during the Superbowl.
Took me a while to calm down from it.
The skeleton of it. The characters are changed around.
Keaton-Bats instead of Thomas Wayne (although I have a theory about that).
Supergirl instead of Superman.
Snyder-Zod instead of bad-Wonder Woman and bad-Aquaman.
That was always the weak link in that story for me.
Zod is the better villain.
Hopefully Faora is there too.
Googled, and Antje Traue is in the cast! So yes, Faora is in it!
Anyway! If it lives up to the trailer, this will easily be the best DCEU/DCU movie!
Haven't been this excited for a superhero movie period since...I dunno, Infinity War?
Been awhile.
Hopefully, I can get out to see it!
Stay tuned!
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