Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Happy 10th Anniversary, The Avengers!

The first (planned) crossover mashup of superhero all-stars.
And still one of the best.

Pasted from the second link...

I knew at the time that it was a game changer, and a history maker.

I got the same buzz off it that I did seeing "Empire Strikes Back", and "Return Of The Jedi", as a kid.

I knew they were special, and I knew "Avengers", was special.

All Marvel's success since then has only seemed right and proper.

Anyway, I considered waiting for the 10th for it to be more of a balanced number, but with a global plague going on, you dunno how things are gonna go, so may as well leap onto today.

Yeah, I really thought I'd get the 'rona and croak, so I was getting that shit in early.

The Avengers movies only got better and better.
And "Endgame" even looped back to the first.

I think they should just keep looping.
Have the animated Spider-people, and Tom Holland Spidey, and Deadpool, and Wolverine, and Tim Story Fantastic Four, all fight in different parts of New York at the Avengers final act.

Then have everyone at different tables at the shawarma restaurant.

Do it, Marvel.
Do it.

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