Wednesday, May 18, 2022

The 4 (main) X-Men timelines.


I nailed the viewing order the first time, but now I feel the need to keep track of the timelines in the wake of "Multiverse Of Madness".

Oh, right, spoilers for "Multiverse of Madness".
And "Days Of Future Past" and "Logan" come to think of it.

Timeline 1.

-First Class
-Origins Wolverine
-X-Men 2
-X-Men 3
-The Wolverine
-Days Of Future Past (dark future parts)

Timeline 2.

-First Class
-Days Of Future Past (70's and bright future)
-Dark Phoenix
-Deadpool 2
-New Mutants

Timeline 3 & 4.

-Multiverse Of Madness (Illuminati-verse with Xavier variant, Wanda-prime attacks)
-Multiverse Of Madness (the MCU, home to Wanda-prime)

Man, when you really look at it, the X-Men never have a happy ending.

Timeline 1, we end at "Future Past" the Sentinel future is horrible for humans and mutants alike, and our main heroes die at the hands of the Sentinels.
But at least it creates timeline 2.

Timeline 2, we end at "Logan" with most mutants dead, our main heroes dead, but at least X-23 and her friends get away to grow up to be the next X-Men.
Sadly, we'll never see that movie.

Timeline 3, Wanda eats the Illuminati's lunch, including Xavier.

Well, they're self-sacrificing heroes, and I guess that's what matters.

Course, I could go down the rabbit hole, and include all the other universes in MoM.
And since MoM directly follows "No Way Home" I could throw in the Raimi-verse, Webb-verse, and Venom-verse.
And then it's a quick hop, skip, and a jump to the animated Spider-verse, and I'd have to include the 6 universe for the 6 Spideys in that.

But, y'know what?
This is from the point of view of the X-Men, so let's draw the line there, and keep it to films with X-Men in 'em.

I left off last time with "whatever MCU does with them".
MoM is the start of that, but there's still the full-fledged X-Men/Mutants reboot.
Stay tuned!

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