Saturday, March 12, 2022

2 years of this Corona shit!!

Week 30 (I predicted this shit!).
Week 52 (AKA a year).
Week 57 (first shot!).
Week 60 (second shot!).
Week 62 (second shot through my system)
Week 94 (3rd shot!)

Or, 104 weeks 2 days since covid hit Maine.

Well, movie theaters are back, and I've seen "Ghostbusters: Afterlife" "Spider-Man: No Way Home" and "The Batman" so at least there's that.

And infection/death numbers are finally starting to go down.
Omicron seems to be pretty much dead.

We might need a fourth shot before this is all done.
Fine and dandy.
Jab me as many times as you like.

Oh, and the Russkies are trying to stir up World War 3, and it takes 75 bucks to fill your gas tank, so that's fun.


B. D. said...

Thought new Batman movie was okay. Better than "Batman Begins," which I feel, like this film, was likely to be a setup for a more powerful sequel. Remarkable that there was no Thomas/Martha Wayne death scene like always (thank God), no Paul Dano beatdown scene (awwww), and was that final political assassination/flood scene thought up BEFORE January 6?!? He isn't just Zodiac he's QAnon!!!

Forums are filled with people trashing the movie just because of the white privilege line.

Did you notice one scene is almost directly ripped off from "Se7en"? When they investigated Riddler's apartment? So that's TWO Fincher films (the other of course, "Zodiac") that Riddler references...can't be a coinkydink. Dano did well up until he had to start yelling during his prison cell scene.

I could have done without Battinson surviving a bomb blowing up RIGHT IN HIS FACE. That's an even more unlikely survival than Bale-bat getting back into Gotham as quickly as he did after escaping that hole.

Pretty cute of Batman to chat with the Riddler on what looks like a 1995 DOS prompt.

Three stars, I managed all 178 minutes without a pee break. Would be willing to watch a sequel.

Russia, well, their generals keep getting killed in combat and pretty much everyone except a few Fox News fuckwits are proudly aligned against them. I'm willing to pay the extra $$$ for gas.

Diacanu said...

Re: The Batman.
Did you stay for the after-credits?
It was just the DOS prompt. You didn't need to see it.
I wish I hadn't stayed for it.

Riddler/Dano actually reminded me of Greg from the "pork shrapnel" story.

Hope you're right about part 2 topping this one.
I don't want Joker to be the villain.
Enough Joker.
People on the net found an Easter egg suggesting it might be Hush.
That would be something different.
For the movies.
They've done Hush in the cartoons and the live-action shows.
Just Googled, and he was created in the 00's, so he's not a brand new flavor-of-the-week.

B. D. said...

I was told there was a cool after credits thing, and I did see the DOS prompt, but don't feel like playing some silly online webgame.

I've never heard of Barry Keoghan, the guy who is in Arkham Asylum. He was in a couple Nolan movies but I don't remember seeing him. I guess if it's going to be the Joker the purpose would be to have him team up with Riddler and Penguin for some sort of All-Star villainy thing, but yeah, a FOURTH Joker in 15 years is pretty ridiculous.
Then again, they were decent enough about *reinventing* Riddler and Penguin.

I say part 2 topping this one because so many of these comic book movies have been set ups for better sequels--"Spider-Man," "Batman Begins" and "X-Men" were all beaten out handily by their first sequels.

Diacanu said...

Re: Joker. Yeah, Barry Koegan was also one of the guys in Eternals.
His super power was mind control.
Like, he can't see into your mind, he just automatically puts you in puppet mode.
and he can do it to whole crowds.
He could make all the world government behave, but he's sworn not to interfere with human history, so his power is virtually useless.

Re: Superior sequels. True. Can't see how they can top this first Batman, but I hope they do it.

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