Friday, October 23, 2020


I finally found him!!!

The demon that allegedly invented fried foods and fireworks.
I saw him in an old library book at my high school, then I forgot his name, and I wanted to use him as a character in my comics, but the book got stolen, and I've been typing "demon of fried foods", into Google for...decades.
Now he just pops up.
Boom, there he is.
My moment to steal him for Harry Hembock is long past though, he's in an anime now.
You've gotta jump on this shit, kids.


B. D. said...

That looks suspiciously like the inspiration for Castlevania 4's Slogra.

Diacanu said...

Oh, yeah, I see it!

...would've been better if it was actually Ukobach.

Imagine him flinging sizzling fry oil with his giant spoon, and it leaving a trail of fire on the floor.

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