Sunday, October 4, 2020

My quick hot take on Sovereign Citizens.

They're mostly harmless, but they're annoying as fuck if you're a cop, lawyer, or judge. times out of ten, those are people that need some annoyance, so...

Even so, Sovereign Citizens are shitty idiots.

So, here's what they believe...

Basically, they don't understand that laws are backed by society's agreement to them, and belief in them. They think laws are just a bunch of word-magic, and that if they have the right loopholes to the word-magic, laws don't apply to them, and cops and judges have to let them go.

More basically, they think the legal system has video game cheat codes.

This has never worked, and will never work, but they think it's gonna, and they keep trying.
Like a motherfucker they try.
And that's what makes them annoying.

This philosophy has the theoretical potential to be destructive to society, but what renders them harmless so far, is how easily this shit self-destructs.

Since they don't observe laws, they don't believe in driver's licenses, or inspection stickers, so they ALWAYS get pulled over for no sticker, then don't have a license to show the cop, and then they get hauled into traffic court, and go to jail.

They get locked away pretty fucking quick.
And they rack up their three strikes pretty fucking quick too.

So far so good with these meatheads being shown to a cell.

Hopefully, they never get funded by a crazy billionaire.
Crazy billionaires usually know they need just enough laws to protect their asses too.


B. D. said...

Really hoping to God THIS isn't true...

Diacanu said...

*Sigh* well, it's not like we don't already have Nazis in the government.
Trump, Barr, and McConnell for sure.

In normal pre-Trump times, the two-party system, checks and balances, and social shame kept them in check.

We gotta try to rebuild that.

The fact we KNOW the Proud Boys are gonna try means we'll be looking, and they'll get exposed.

They just wanna scare you into despair so you won't vote.

Diacanu said...

Oh, and here's a mini documentary on John Kricfalsi.

Not only was/is he a pedo, people knew, and he flaunted it.

In the DVD extras of the adult SpikeTV episodes, he even parades one of his "girlfriends".
Boy, am I glad I didn't buy those.

Oh, and my last confetti speck of respect for Howard Stern died off with this too.
You'll know it when you see it.

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