Munchies & Crunchies #18
Y'know, aside from Pepsi products.
And gasoline, and plastic, and I-Phones, and a million other things dipped in blood.
This one's a blatant and specific case, and an easy boycott.
Anything from the "Wonderful", company.
This includes, Fiji water, pomegranates, Pom Wonderful juice, Halo oranges, Scarlett grapefruits, pistachios, and almonds.
The owners, Stewart and Lynda Resnick are evil and stupid assholes who've finagled all kinds of crooked land deals, and politician bribes, and secret handshakes in order to steal water from the rest of California in order to grow their fucking pistachios.
Y'know, while a fucking drought is going on.
Pistachios are a greedy plant, it takes something like 200 gallons of water for every fucking nut.
And American pistachios are shitty, they grow better in Iran, and taste better from Iran, but we don't trade pistachios with Iran cuz...well, y'know, it's Iran.
The Resnicks helped lobby for sanctions against Iran just so they could stay dominant in the pistachio game.
Sanctions only starve poor people to death, they don't touch the leaders.
So, the Resnicks aren't just jerks, they have blood on their hands.
They're fucking babykillers.
And the Fiji water?
Same thieving and hoarding in Fiji as in California.
And Fiji is run by a brutal dictatorship, so the Fiji bottling plant is all slave labor.
And Fiji water is overpriced, and the poor people can't afford to buy their own water back, so they're y'know, dying.
So, there's some more blood.
And, they let oil wastewater get into the irrigation water for those precious pistachios.
And, the Resnicks have been sued for making magical pseudo-science medical claims about their shit.
Particularly about Pom.
They're so rich, they just factor the price of the lawsuits into the price of business.
It's a slap on the wrist to them.
The ads used to claim that Pom...I dunno, reverses aging, or something, now their new claim is that it relieves anxiety, and they have the stupid Worry Monster.
That's another thing you'll notice, all Wonderful products have sickeningly cute cartoon characters.
And/or they seduce celebrities.
Stephen Colbert did one for pistachios awhile back when he first started his show.
You remember?
The one where his head turns into a pistachio?
Although, I think word has gotten around, because I see more cartoons than celebs these days.
In fact, I can't remember the last celeb ad.
Superbowl is tonight, so they'll probably drop a spectacular turd during that.
The Wiki article mentions their water hoarding, but not the medical claims, the water polluting, and the Iran stuff.
This Dollup episode has the finer details.
It's all fucking bonkers.
Not only are the Resnicks evil slimeballs ethically, they're goofy dopey douchey idiots personality wise.
They're villains right out of Captain Planet.
It's hard to believe they're human.
But, nope, planet Earth shat these creatures forth somehow.
Someone is working on a documentary about all of this.
Stay tuned.
EDIT- One has already come out. "Water And Power: A California Heist".
Another one is being Kickstarted, "Pistachio Wars: Killing California for a Snack Food".
So, yeah, stick to apples, and grapes, and peanuts, and tap water.
If your tap water sucks, get a Brita filter.
You don't need the Resnick's shit.
Fuck 'em!
Previously with MC-
Cereals! (MC #17)
Quick News: Rings, Hell, Shadow, Acquisitions, Us
19 hours ago
Wasn't bottled water accused of being scam over a quarter century ago anyway? Bottled water in general?
It is a scam.
They're not selling water, they're selling bottles.
But, nowadays it's worse, because there's a looming crisis in drinkable water, and the corporate weasels know it, so water is going to become the new oil, and fat-cat swine want to get their hands on every drop of it.
Basically, the dystopia from the movie "Tank Girl", is coming to pass.
That's right, Tank Girl.
Tank Girl was the only movie brave enough to correctly forecast the future.
If humanity makes it, we need to build a statue to Rachel Talalay.
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