Monday, December 9, 2024

Trumpers: every accusation is a confession.

Only a matter of time until this post happened.
Put it right next to "Storm is a Nazi".
Here we fuckin' go!

So! Over at Wordforge, we have this jackass called Federal Farmer.
Well, he rotates his username every few months; right now, he's Steal Your Face.
But we call him Federal Farmer no matter what he changes to, and we typically abbreviate it to FF.

When he's being particularly idiotic, we call him Federal Fuckup.
Or Federal Failure.

As you can guess, he's a right-winger.

He swears up and down he doesn't watch Fox, but he regurgitates their every talking point.

He swears up and down he doesn't watch Tucker Carlson, but he regurgitates his Russia-kissing shit verbatim.

And hooooo booy, was he ever on the "Hunter Biden!! Hunter Biden!! Hunter Biiiiiideeeen!!" train.

So, that gives you the gist of the kind of general knucklehead we're dealing with.

He's also anti-trans; eats up all those talking points. Calls trans-allies "groomers".

He confessed that he went to court over driving intoxicated, and his mom used connections to get him off with a slap on the wrist.

He confessed to breaking his ex-girlfriend's glass punchbowl, and she screamed at him over it, and he called her a stupid bitch.

Naturally, I turned this into a skit of him drunkenly crashing his car into his girlfriend's trailer, and breaking the punchbowl that way.
Because fuck him.

Us guys use him as a Bozo Bag.
Because fuck him.

He must be a masochist, because he sticks around for it.

Well!! For 8 fucking years, he's sworn up and down he wasn't a Trump supporter.
We've always called bullshit.

He admitted he voted for Trump this time around.
After swearing in 2016 he hated Trump.
So, you see what his swearing is worth.

Now, I can't prove this, but awhile back, either a malfunctioning algorithm, or a shitty human flagged some of my ancient posts.
Flagged them for "grooming".
I'm not a pedo. I hate pedos. The only time I talk about pedos is to spit on them.
I combed those posts with an electron microscope for anything that could be misread by an algorithm as pedo-y.
There was nothing.
I fixed some typos, and punctuation, said it was fixed, and the flags went away.
Mild inconvenience.
If it was an experimental algorithm, people must have complained and it went away.
If it was a human, it was FF.

I also tend to think he was the dipstick who left the pissy little comment that inspired "Hooray for Hollyweird!!"

Cuz he's on that whole "anti-woke" train.
Because of course he is.

Federal Fuckup done fucked up again!
Big fucking time.

From WF.
There’s not one cis male hasn’t looked at an underage girl with big boobs regardless of political affiliation. You can look, but you can’t touch is the general rule.

Wow. Okay, fella.
So!! The board just had a poll whether his new nickname should be Pedo Farmer, or Federal Groomer.
Federal Groomer is winning the poll.

Even if FF/FG wasn't pedo-apologist before, he's such a partisan shill, he's let himself be turned into one. Turned, or taking off a mask, it hardly makes a difference anymore.
Cuz the MAGA-fied GOP reeeeaaally wants to shield people who want to fuck teenage girls.
Like, really, really.
So, they've got their bullshit bullet points all lined up, clearly.
And sadly, there are MAGAs out there fucked up enough to sacrifice their daughters to Gaetz, or Trump, or whomever wants them.

They always are what they call everyone else.
It's not unique to this sole internet specimen, and it's not new to this current generation of conservative swine.
You need only look back to the old 80's televangelist sex scandals.

WF has a running thread of Christian-conservative scumbags molesting kids.
Ain't been one of them yet that was also a drag queen.
Doesn't happen.

Anyway! The way we treat FF/FG is how you should treat a sliming little bigot.
You don't fucking listen to them go "oh, let me cite this bullshit study cited by this bullshit Youtuber!" and answer with "ohhhh, tell me more! This is so iiiiiiiintereeeeestiiing!! Let's have a high school debate squad discussion about how much human rights this vulnerable minority deserves!!".

No, you Bozo-bag the fucker.
You don't kiss his boo-boos, and put a laurel leaf crown on him.
Looking at you, Evil Clique.

So, yeah, it's just a waiting game with these assholes before they reveal their true nature.
As Tom Petty said "the waaaaaiting is the haaaaardest part!".

But, the wait is over on this one.
The oven has beeped, the scummery is revealed, and I'll have this post to reference back to if there are further/worse hi-jinks from this creepy assclown.



Anonymous said...


I don't know if you'll care about this at all but this really made me gag. I mean, I'm about a hair away from starting to sympathize with the guy who killed the CEO.

B. D. said...

On a more related note, the guy you're talking about must have a brother or something:

B. D. said...

Try this one instead

Diacanu said...

Re: The booby-trapped mental health surveys.
Yeah, I heard yesterday that after the shooting, insurance companies are making their employees sign loyalty oaths to not only not trash their bosses, but to proactively tell people how necessary and wonderful insurance companies are.
No wonder customer service reps are so creepily chirpy like androids; they have a gun to their fucking heads.
Feel the fucking freedom. Murca!

Re: Federal Groomer's brother.
Reddit gets a bad rep as a shithole of right-wing poison, but the stories you link always have an encouraging amount of liberals snarking back at the dipshits.

B. D. said...

Oh, HERE'S one that'll make you gag:

Reddit....the stuff I'm getting is from r/facepalm which is one hundred percent negative reactions to right wing political crap on social media. Probably interchangeable with other subreddits like r/clevercomebacks, etc.

I don't even have the energy to post the one where Elon didn't realize that the ACLU isn't federally funded. What a panty sniffer that man is.

Diacanu said...

Re: The clip. Yes, words have fixed permanent meaning. That's why "cocksucker" always literally means cocksucker, and not an extra bad asshole, and "shit" always means literal feces, and not junk, or even just one's personal stuff. These guys run to the dictionary with a magnifying glass and a laser pointer when it's denying people's identities, then get all post-modern and squiggly when they need to wiggle out of a federal crime. I wish Carlin was still here.

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