Thursday, October 17, 2024

My FB anti-TERF stuff in one place: Part 2.

Two days later, this was my biggie.

June 8th.

Part 1 of 6.
So!! EC-ers, remember our faithful old enemy, The Discovery Institute?
Guess who was once their director for their Center on Wealth & Poverty?
Christopher Rufo!
Refresher if you managed to never hear of him, or your memory is hazy.
He's the little shit who turned Critical Race Theory (or CRT) into a right-wing boogeyman that your dumb uncle doesn't even understand.
He lost all of his job oppurtunities, and friends, and famil...hahaha, no, Ron Desantis rewarded him with a sweet job destroying the New College of Florida.
Fun fact: He also rolls around in the pig pen with a who's who of white supremists, but let's not go there.
Oh, okay, just a little. Steve Sailer. Go down the Google rabbit hole on Steve Sailer.
See attached, Rufo proudly admitting he dishonestly manufactured the whole CRT controversy.

Part 2 of 6.
The Manhattan Institute for Public Policy Research, or just The Manhattan Institute, is a cuddly, snuggly, candy scented wonderland of merriment and group hugs founded by....Reagan's future CIA director William Casey.
Huggable, kissable, candy scented dancing teddy bears to frolic forth from MI include David Frum, William Kristol, and George Gilder, founder of....The Discovery Institute.
Oh, and Chris Rufo is a senior fellow, and writes transphobic articles for their paper, The City Journal.
They're obsessed with "wokeness".
Which isn't huggable, kissable, or candy scented, because reasons.
Other writers for The City Journal include Andy Ngo, and Walter Olson, a buddy of Steve Sailer.
There's nothing wrong at all with Steve Sailer. Don't look.

Part 3 of 6.
Anyhoo!! Getting back to CRT! 
Guess who looooves Christopher Rufo's Grimm Fairy Tale version of CRT??
Guess!!!! 😃
Fox News!
And guess who loooooves Fox News?!?
Your grandma!
And guess who would swear on a stack of "The God Delusion" that he hates Fox News while simultaneously guzzling down uncritically the Rufo/Fox version of CRT???
Bill Maher!! Shocker, right??!?! Wow!!
He's usually so sharp!! 
So, Bill Maher is like your grandma.
Except your grandma admits to watching Fox.
And she keeps her creepy old person sexual conquest stories to herself.
I hope. Yikes.
Guess who else looooooves the Rufo/Fox version of CRT?
PragerU!! And guess who loooooooves PragerU these days???
Ayan Hirsi Ali.
Ayan would have used to swear on a stack of "The God Delusion" but now she'd just use Bibles.
So she would probably be off Bill's love list. Which is weird, because they have the whole CRT thing in common. Weird! Isn't that weird!?!? That's weird!

Part 4 of 6.
The Cloward-Piven strategy was a married couple of hippie activists who tried to overhaul the welfare system by pushing it toward collapse with engineered civil unrest.
Hippies are bad at society chess, so the plan didn't go very far.
The whole thing fizzled with a sad trombone.
It's all a very boring forgettable story, and would have vanished down the flush hole, except the Right-wing decided it was juuuust the thing to hang a million conspiracy theories on.
Remember all that ACORN shit during the tail end of the Bush years?
Wonder why the right lost their everloving fucking minds over that weird nothing-burger?
Because in their fucked up little noggins, that was Cloward Piven 2: Lava Shark!!
Put a pin in this, it'll come back around!

Part 5 of 6.
So!! Getting back to The Manhattan Institute!!
Guess who's a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute, believes in the Cloward Piven Strategy conspiracy, hates affirmative action, CRT, and "woke"??
*Final Jeopardy theme plays*
*I rudely cut right over it*
John McWhorter. It's John McWhorter.
And guess who loves the shit out of John McWhorter, even calling him his hero?
Bill Maher!! Shocker, right??!?! Wow!!
He's usually so sharp!! 
Well, except for all that CRT and "woke" shit.
Ah, I see why they get along.
Oh, and McWhorter says he looks at the Bible as mythology, so he's an ostensible atheist.
So I guess that's his "get out of jail free" card with the pseudo-left.
Hey, guess who else thinks McWhorter's awesome!?
Richard Dawkins!
Shocker, right??!?! Wow!!
He's usually so sharp!! 
McWhorter's 2 degrees of Kevin Bacon from the Discovery Institute for fuck sakes.
He stands for everything "the New Atheist Movement" sought to destroy!
Oh, but he thinks the Bible is fake, so it's okay.
Unlike Ayan Hirsi Ali who stands for all the same exact poisonous crap, but she likes Bibles now.
Weird! Isn't that weird!?!? That's weird!
It's kooky! It's nutty!!
John McWhorter. An interesting observer of the American Culture Wars. 
Interesting like driving slowly past a car wreck.
"Hey, kids!! Look!! It's a head!! A human head! On the ground!! Observe the head, children!! Isn't that interesting!?".
*Laughter that fades to a morose sigh*
 *Whisper mumbled* I could puke.

Oh!! I forgot the Intellectual Dark Web!! McWhorter's part of the Bullshit Avengers along with Joe Rogan, Ben Shapiro, and Steve Pinker, who totally isn't pals with Steve Sailer.

Part 6 of 6.
Yeeeaaah, so here's what I'm getting to with all of this.
The "new atheist movement " is lurching to the right.
Richard Dawkins is a gross evil sellout now.
He hangs out with fucking John McWhorter, and Helen Joyce, and cheers on JK Rowling, and has chug-a-lugged the Kool-Aid premise of "woke" being "the new religion of the left" or whatever stupid horseshit.
And he smooched Ayan Hirsi Ali's TERF-y ass to a mirror sheen right up until she came out as Christian.
I dunno if he's come straight out against CRT and DEI, but he lets John McWhorter say that shit for him, so yeah. Let's just assume.
Or, assume he doesn't give a fuck either way, so long as book sales go up.
As for Bill Maher, I've never been more glad my DVD of "Religulous" is being shat upon by seagulls in a landfill.
That fucker's been dead to me for awhile, and the reading (and viewing *teeth grate*) for this reminded me why.
So, I'm out.
If this is where it's going, and the EC is going to run off the cliff with Dawkins, I'm fucking out.
I quit the EC.
I still love some of you, and if you want to stay friends, fine, I'm glad to have you.
If all of this offends, well, there's nothing I can do to stop you from heading for the "exit" door.
We'll see how that all shakes out, I guess.
Soon as I hit "send" on this, I'm heading on over, and hitting "leave group" on EC.
I can't be talked out of it.
I had a long time to think about this shit already.

1 comment:

Diacanu said...

Notes for non-EC-ers.

EC = Evil Clique.
We called ourselves that because one of our members had a psycho stalker ex-boyfriend who called us a clique, and he got every tinfoil paranoid about it. We used that name to rattle his cage, and spit in his face.
Then that meaning kind of fell away, and it was just EC.

The Discovery Institute = a think tank specifically for creationism to give it a veneer of science-y-ness.
Naturally, any gang of atheists hates them. Also naturally, TDI is in bed with every awful right-wing thing you can think of, as I proceeded to lay out above.

Steve Sailer = White supremacist. Flat out.
Funny how he pops up repeatedly with his dick in every pie as I go on.

PragerU = Nazi propaganda on Youtube that's crowbar-ing its way into public schools.

Ayaan Hirsi Ali = Ex-Muslim woman politician turned atheist, turned Christian.
Psycho right-wing christian.
She stands against all the bad shit about Islam, which is why the Dawkins-ites glommed onto her, but then the cheese fell off her cracker.
As I lay out above.

The Cloward-Piven strategy.
I just threw that in there to show John McWhorter is your standard issue conspiracy loon on top of everything else.

John McWhorter = Black republican who tows the GOP racist line. Typical sellout.
Parts 1-5 build to tearing him down, cuz he's slippery, and I had to nail a bunch of stuff down first.
The EC-er that set all this in motion cited him as a valid source, and that was the last straw for me.

Steve Pinker = Part of the "new atheist" gang who's shown his racist ass, but tries with all his strength to hide it behind pseudo-science gaslight.

Everyone else are people you've probably heard of.

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