Saturday, November 21, 2020

GBA finally finishes post-production!!

About. Fucking. TIME!

Along with the above pic, Jason Reitman tweeted the following.

When we think of making movies, we imagine movie sets – Camera operators and electricians and grips. We seldom think of post production. Yet post is the final rewrite and goes inarguably longer than filming. The team behind Afterlife has been working on GBA since the summer of 2019. Like many other families, the GBA family has stuck together through unimaginable circumstances. We have sweated every cut, every proton beam, every neutrona boom, and every note of music. We’ve been thinking about the same two hours for 18 months.

Post requires resilience. It demands the ability to continue caring, even when it feels like pencils should be down. This family cares so much. The movie you will eventually see is the result of editors and visual effects artists and sound designers and musicians and colorists and mixers who gave their heart to Ghostbusters.

Damn, shooting ended a year ago!

Now the flick is finally actually finished!

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