Yeah, I don't believe in it.
I mean, yeah, I believe in taking showers, and washing your hands, calm the fuck down.
I mean like in "clean", language, "clean", comedy, etc.
To believe in that, I'd have to believe in dirty, and I don't.
And I don't really believe in making things "clean", for children.
In fact, the older I get, the less I believe it, and the less patience I have for the concept.
Yeah, I make a lame effort to warn when one of my posts will be explicit, but...why do I have to police my own fucking thoughts in an allegedly free country?
I mean, really?
I ain't gonna try too super hard, cuz I don't believe in it.
So, yeah, I'm that dangerous.
Run away.
Okay, now that the pussies are gone, let's continue.
The way I see it, humans are just smart animals, and animals are evolutionary survival mechanisms, so, a child is just a small survival organism.
What about that state of being, aside from soppy superstition, makes it so they have to be kept in this secluded censored state of "innocence"?
Kids from medieval times had hunted, and slaughtered, and cleaned animals by the time they were five or six.
Survival, bitches.
Shit, Romeo and Juliet were 13.
Hell, there's kids in this world that live like that or tougher now.
This is some homogenized, puritan, privileged, upper-middle-class, white, christian thing, that inexplicably infested over into the secular mind, and the lower classes somehow.
I blame 50's television.
Poisoned one generation, and it trickled down.
It has no basis in reality.
Total nonsense.
Worthless intellectual garbage that's wasted a lot of money and time in the world.
I'm tired of it, and will only play along with a gun against my head.
My cousins grew up on a steady diet of R rated movies, South Park, you name it.
Pretty sure they played gory video games too.
They're all grown men now, they didn't go Columbine, they didn't pillage a village, so, fuck off with that noise.
Frank Zappa's kids turned out okay too.
And that's the whole "children", thing, I have even less respect for wimpy adults that want things "clean".
Eat my ass, you stunted snapperheads.
Go take a shower in a wet-suit while you want it all "clean", you risible assclowns.
I don't even get how "clean", got all mixed up in religion in the first place.
The logic train must have been absolutely fucking moronic.
I mean, if there were a God, don't you think he'd be like Doctor Manhattan?
He'd see "dirt", and "filth", as just a different pattern of atoms.
There'd be no weird emotional baggage to it, no "eew, that's icky!", he wouldn't fucking care.
So...why would he have emotional baggage attached to the CONCEPTS of things that are "dirty"??
And why would he attach that "dirty", FEELING to things that aren't EVEN fucking dirty??
And if all of the above, why would he pass it on to human beings to think of things as "unclean"?
And while he was tossing around pronouncements of "unclean", why didn't he make up better food safety restrictions than just avoid pork?
Why not explain germs?
"Oh, primitive people wouldn't have understood".
Every school child is essentially a "primitive person", and they can learn about germs in half a fucking hour of a school day.
I fucking did.
Nope, it's all stupid fairy tales, and gut reactions, and cultural programming.
And you pull it apart, it's crap.
Everyone just dumbly goes along with it.
Have fun with that, I ain't doing it.
My blog is "dirty", and I ain't gonna protect you from it.
It's for people with a brain.
Adults, and advanced kids.
No babies of any age.
That's my philosophical position on the matter, you're free to disagree, but don't burden me with your opposition unless you can frame it as an argument, and not a bunch of knee jerk "you're going to hell", bullshit.
And if you throw out "you're going to heck", forget it, you're fucking banned.
Quick News: Rings, Hell, Shadow, Acquisitions, Us
19 hours ago
1 comment:
This rant is kind of the sequel to this.
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