Thursday, October 22, 2009

The Fourth Kind.

....why would remembering being levitated (presumably by an external technology) under hypnosis make you levitate?

There, the thought is planted, the movie is ruined for you.


Paladin said...

Damn you, Harvey Hemlock!1! Damn you straight to hell!!!

Anonymous said...

Would you please elaborate?

Diacanu said...

Okay, if you went on a road trip, came back, went to a hypnotherapist, and remembered the road trip....would you expect to start gliding down the road on your ass going "vrrrrmm!! vrrrrrmm!!"?

Why would a memory make you float?

Why would a memory turn you into a stretchy-mouth monster?

Such imagery I guess is spooky if you turn your brain off and go with it, seems to me they're just trying to blend saucer-men with Exorcist in an obvious and tacky way.

Not my cup of tea.

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