Well, this one's easy to refute, but here goes, because it's another one I'm tired of typing.
First of all, as shown in a previous rant,we have as much freedom to express religious opinion as political, and Tom Paine is the proof.
Only fear and bullying, not a decent counter-argument ever said otherwise.
Secondly, if science has better arguments, well, it's the marketplace of ideas, and religion has the freedom to fail.
Thirdly, well, again as mentioned in the same previous rant, if religion wants to play politics, then it's totally up for debate.
Don't want the debate, back down from the political sphere, can't have it both ways.
Alternately, form secular arguments for your positions.
And fourthly, speaking of secular arguments, there must be a secular argument for why religious opinion gets to be a forcefield of respect over all others for certain political positions, or culturally in our media.
I'd really like to hear what it is.
Can't simply be freedom of religion, you're free to believe what you want, it's when it comes to persuading other human beings that freedom of speech kicks in, and then we get back to discourse & debate.
No, what you're seeing, is religion used to having it's way, and the knee-jerk fear response that things are changing.
And the political power of religion was due to an organized minority that was catered to, and you're going to see them get nastier, and nastier as it stands revealed their arguments don't wash.
Which proves my point about fear, and fear politics.
That's what the Glenn Beck shit's about.
There, another one I don't have to type anymore.
Fried on that one, really.
Quick News: Rings, Hell, Shadow, Acquisitions, Us
18 hours ago
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