Saw "free speech or bigotry?", in relation to the atheist bus campaign signs.
Hmm, would it be "bigotry", to say I don't exist?
No, that's just goofy.
So, if there were a God, why would he be troubled by that assertion?
Even more goofy.
And if it wouldn't trouble him, why do the religious get troubled on his behalf?
And for the religious folk it doesn't trouble, why do they get troubled on the behalf of the troubled?
And for the "I'm an Atheist but...", non-believers, why do they get troubled on behalf of the troubled?
Even more puzzling.
And why do they both get knee-jerk troubled on behalf of the troubled without even having any troubled folks around?
And all that's WITH a God, that he very likely doesn't exist, makes it even less troublesome a sentiment.
Except for the clergy, who rely on this fantasy for their job security.
But switch their trade for another obsolete trade.
Imagine "sorry, you're finished, buggy-whip salesmen", on the sides of the first cars.
The buggy-whip salesmen would whine, but it would be true.
And it sure as hell wouldn't be "bigotry".
The only leg this argument has left to stand on is this idea of "the sacred".
Notice how it takes one letter switch to make it into "scared"?
It's fear, folks.
That's all it is.
And that's all the argument comes from.
Talk to an old black man who lived through Jim Crow, he'll tell you about some fucking bigotry.
Quick News: Rings, Hell, Shadow, Acquisitions, Us
19 hours ago
And yeah, yeah, there's that whole "you're stepping on something that's really important to people!!", argument.
Well, there's a lot important to me gets stepped on without the slightest blink.
I'm pretty much expected to quietly and stoically soldier on.
It's just because it's God.
Well, if he's real, he's a big boy who can look out for himself.
Speaking of things important to me getting stepped on without a blink, how about the notion that simply saying "there's probably no invisible man up in the sky"', is equivalent to the lynching of a real human being?
That's a proposition that's not only not supposed to offend me, but one I'm supposed to take seriously, and be ashamed if I disagree with.
Yeah, okay, I'M the monster.
Yeah, that's logical, that works.
Oh, wait, no it isn't/doesn't.
It's fear folks.
S'all it is.
Challenging assumptions isn't evil.
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