Saturday, August 15, 2020

"The Ayn Rand rant", revisited. Part 3.

Part 1, Part 2.

Part 3 of this monster.
But dammit, I'm gonna slay this dragon.

Cyan= Ayn Rand
Yellow= 2009 me
White= 2020 me

"Money is your means of survival. The verdict you pronounce upon the source of your livelihood is the verdict you pronounce upon your life. If the source is corrupt, you have damned your own existence.

With what?
A curse?
Bad mojo?
A sad head shake from Yahweh?
You're an atheist, Aynie!!
What gives??

Yeah, it's a religion.
She's as superstitious as the rest of 'em.
Like how Robespierre made a Goddess Of Reason.
Hypocritical cognitive dissonance right out of the French revolution.
Whether it's delusional or cynical hardly matters.
Same damage is done.

Non-Randroid conservatives call this fairy godmother force "the invisible hand".
If that term pops out of someone's mouth, and you're there in the room, slap the bastard.

Did you get your money by fraud? By pandering to men's vices or men's stupidity?

Nope, not that I know of.

Like I said last time, in an unregulated free-for-all how would you ever know?
The fraud who can outspend you in court can get away with it, and write whatever version of history he wants.
Including casting his innocent competitors and victims as villains.
In such a world, you'd doubt your own moral compass.
You wouldn't know what was real anymore.
Like a MAGA CHUD virus denier.
Or a QAnon-er.

By catering to fools, in the hope of getting more than your ability deserves?

Conservatives have no problem with this whatsoever.
Not only don't they bat an eye, their eyelash doesn't even twitch.
They think there's something wrong with YOU for giving a shit.

Either Rand is shoveling fairy-tale bullshit, or every conservative who ever drew breath on this planet in the 20th and 21st centuries is a no-true-Scotsman.

And I refuse to publish my junk until I'm absolutely philosophically sure this will never be the case.
Some would say this has set me back.
I don't know...
Still working on that...

You're good.
People like you.
Stop listening to Nazis.
Good riddance.

By lowering your standards? By doing work you despise for purchasers you scorn?

Well, yeah, I worked at Wal-Mart...


If so, then your money will not give you a moment's or a penny's worth of joy.

Well, don't worry, it hasn't. :)

That's the depression goblin on my shoulder whispering lies into my head.
With Wal-Mart's money, I bought the computer I started this blog on to rail against Wal-Mart.
"Boo! Biting the hand that feeds you!".
Fuck you.
I call it turning Palpatine's lightning back on him.
Fry, you bastard, fry!

Oh, shit, I enjoyed the computer I bought with my Wal-Mart money, and the internet activity I experienced over the years, and the laptop I won via it, and all the internet activity on it...

Shit, I'm a sinner...what do I do?
Stab myself in the leg with a fork?
Say 100 "Hail Moneys"?

Just keep burning down Ayn Rand in this rant.

Then all the things you buy will become, not a tribute to you, but a reproach; not an achievement, but a reminder of shame. Then you'll scream that money is evil. Evil, because it would not pinch-hit for your self-respect? Evil, because it would not let you enjoy your depravity? Is this the root of your hatred of money?


This is this "you hate the rich because you're jealous", line of bullshit coupled with "celebrities who do charity events are assuaging their cocaine guilt".

What if you're a sociopath?
Like most Randroids are?
If you can grind up your slum tenants like hamburger, and then go on to kill over 100 thousand people by sabotaging all efforts to slow down a coronavirus plague, and sleep like a baby after, well, so much for the guilt-monster.

I guess she's saying if you don't feel guilt, you committed no crime.
Might makes right.
True pure psychopathy.

 "Money will always remain an effect and refuse to replace you as the cause. Money is the product of virtue, but it will not give you virtue and it will not redeem your vices.

So what good is it?
At least in the sense of being a symbol of virtue?

This is how the rich tell themselves they're morally superior to their victims.
This is how Mitch McConnell can help Trump burn the country down with that shitty smirk on his ugly turtle-man face.

Money will not give you the unearned, neither in matter nor in spirit.

The unearned flows like water in America, and the soulless and empty gleefully scarf it up, 

Like the ARI sucking that sweet PPP milk out of Uncle Sam's nipple.

while only wretches like me agonize over our conscience.

*Touches past-me's forehead, and projects healing energy into my head*
I absolve you.

This is NOT a system that rewards the virtuous for virtue alone.

But again, she's not talking about what sane people consider virtue.
She's telling greedy sociopaths they're good.

Is this the root of your hatred of money?

Duhr, nope!

No one hates money; they hate greed, and the cruelty which springs from it.
And you goddamned know it.
You straw-man whipping witch.

"Or did you say it's the love of money that's the root of all evil?

*Facepalm* here we go...

Yep, here we go with "greed is good".

To love a thing is to know and love its nature. To love money is to know and love the fact that money is the creation of the best power within you, and your passkey to trade your effort for the effort of the best among men.

...again, what world is she living in?
What color is the sky in her world?

I mean, okay, this ideal world of honor can exist inside your head, but it's going to take quite a licking whenever you so much as fill up your gas tank, and buy a fucking candy bar.

She's saying fuck the FDA, and the EPA, and the CDC, that shit makes you soft.
The invisible hand and your Klingon honor will protect you.
The Nanny state just gets in the way of that.
It's paradise, can't you see that?
No, you're the dummy!
You are!
No, you!

It's the person who would sell his soul for a nickel, who is loudest in proclaiming his hatred of money--and he has good reason to hate it. The lovers of money are willing to work for it. They know they are able to deserve it.

What? By fiat?
What if you think you're an awesome employee, but aren't?
What if you think you're an awesome artist, but aren't?

By Aynie's standards, as long as the paycheck comes, fuck the rest.

With that attitude in everyone's mind, no wonder the standards are fucking decaying.

There we go, past-me finally got there.
It's all about moving the widgets, and nothing else.
Moral is whatever you can get away with, and live with.
You can just use Randroid bullshit to cast your victims as villains afterward.
Sleep tight, little psychopahs!
You're really supermen!

"Let me give you a tip on a clue to men's characters: the man who damns money has obtained it dishonorably; the man who respects it has earned it.

What if you're a sociopath who just doesn't give a shit?
The crack dealer doesn't damn money.
The child pornographer doesn't damn money.
The pimp doesn't damn money.
The hack singer doesn't damn money.
Did they earn it?
Are they honorable?

Is it only the one who damns money dishonorable?

It's a twisted code if those are the only choices.

But & white...

All of that, plus, no one fucking damns money.
They damn greedy fucking crooks.
This is all just to set up "the poor deserve it, leftists are just jealous, and commies are sub-human, so hurt them".

Yes, it's a twisted code.

"Run for your life from any man who tells you that money is evil. 

No one fucking does.
Greed, yes.
Billionaires are mentally ill hoarders.
Shaving off everything above a hundred million will cure their disease.
If they find they can't get by on a hundred million, fuck 'em, learn to economize, muthafucka.
I ate macaroni and Kool-aid the first 10 years of my fucking life.
I didn't die.
They're not even being asked to sacrifice that fucking much.
I think they'll live.
Oh, their Lamborghini is just a Lamborghini, and not a transforming robot?

That sentence is the leper's bell of an approaching looter. 

It ain't looting if I'm stealing back the radio you stole from me in the first place.
Come back as a Christmas Ghost, and tell the ARI to give back that fucking PPP money, you fucking viper.
Sorry, but I'm always gonna keep coming back to that.

So long as men live together on earth and need means to deal with one another--their only substitute, if they abandon money, is the muzzle of a gun.

What, no barter?

It's not money or chaos, bitch.
No one has a moneyless system.

The Bolsheviks broke her brain all right.
I have pity up to a point, but she crossed that point at "The Fountainhead".
Kiss my ass.

"But money demands of you the highest virtues, if you wish to make it or to keep it. Men who have no courage, pride or self-esteem, men who have no moral sense of their right to their money and are not willing to defend it as they defend their life, men who apologize for being rich--will not remain rich for long. They are the natural bait for the swarms of looters that stay under rocks for centuries, but come crawling out at the first smell of a man who begs to be forgiven for the guilt of owning wealth. They will hasten to relieve him of the guilt--and of his life, as he deserves.

There you go, she came right out and said it instead of dancing around it, and dog whistling.

If you have a conscience, you'll be punished.
With death.
With fucking death.

Again, this is how Mitch McConnel twists that smirk onto that transplanted ass-cheek he calls a face.

Black & white.

Your only choices are to guard your hoard, or be a victim.

And so much for philanthropy.

Fuck the poor, they're evil, they didn't work hard enough.

Yep, you got there.
She's not an "odd-fucking-ball", she's a monster.
She should have been arrested for inciting social-murder, and never seen the sun ever again.

And this "low self esteem", shit bugs me.
Again, what if you are a fucking hack, and you think you're fucking great, and you don't fucking care?
Ayn Rand offers no antidote to this.
Indeed, such a person doesn't exist in Ayn Rand's world.
If you made money, that's good enough.
If someone paid you, you must be good.
If you're rich, you must be really good.

By that criteria, Britney Spears is the greatest singer who ever lived.

But anyone with taste and a fucking brain fucking knows better.

You're not meant to have those feelings.
They're weaknesses in her world.
Just dollars and widgets.
Everything else can burn.
Anyone who doesn't like it can burn.

There's no answer on offer for this in Ayn Rand land.
Her black & white choices are be a dick waving egoist, or accept your doom.
And if you're one who frets about if they're a hack, AND doesn't get rich on top of it, then you must suck.
And that's it, that's all you were worth, throw yourself in the garbage.

The only cure is blind ego, by fiat, from nothing, and if you were paid, then it confirms that ego.
And that's it.
That's all there is in Rand land.

Go around the loop as many times you like, that's the only answer you'll ever get.

It's not a bug, it's a feature.
That's the way it's designed.
That's the point.
The cruelty is the point.

These are the ravings of a mentally ill woman on a Sith vengeance quest against Bolsheviks.
End of.

For a guy like me loaded up with angst, it wasn't a fun trip.
All I got for my troubles was dizzy.
And depressed.
And still with unanswered questions.

Cults will never have the answer.
And Randism is a fucking cult.
A cult with its dark evil claws around America's heart, sadly.
I wish I could have avoided that pain, but the pain means my mental immune system was working.
The fascists couldn't turn me.
They tried like a motherfucker.
And when that didn't work, they tried to edge me towards suicide.
And that didn't work either.
Which is it, assholes?
Either I'm smart and talented enough to be a powerful ally to your cult, or I'm worthless trash.
I can't be both.
Pick one, you hypocrites.
But whichever one you pick, is an admission you were lying or deceived about the other.
And so much for your moral and intellectual purity then.
You phony snakes.
I'm glad Rightforge (right-wing Wordforge) collapsed through deaths, and flouncing, and Nazi outings.
It didn't happen soon enough.
Good fucking riddance.

That's a big enough chunk, and a good note to end on.
Tomorrow, part 4.

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