Sunday, August 16, 2020

"The Ayn Rand rant", revisited. Part 4.

Part 1. 

Part 3.

Part 4 of this beast.
I will defeat it.

Cyan= Ayn Rand
Yellow= 2009 me
White= 2020 me

"Then you will see the rise of the men of the double standard--the men who live by force, yet count on those who live by trade to create the value of their looted money--the men who are the hitchhikers of virtue. In a moral society, these are the criminals, and the statutes are written to protect you against them.

Yeah....uh huh....

No, not "yeah, uh huh".

She doesn't mean factory workers and robbers.
And she definitely doesn't mean corporate weasels finding ways to rip you off of hours in your paycheck.

This is more "taxes are theft!", bullshit.

"The men who live by force", means the tax man.
Cuz if you dodge your taxes long enough, you go to jail, and if you resist arrest, you can get shot.

Rand cuts right to the gun part, leaving out the whole "you have to put up quite the irrational violent hissy fit that endangers others before shooting becomes necessary. Especially if you're fucking white", part of the equation.

Because the image of a guy walking up to your door with a Tommy gun to rob you of the pile of "hard earned money", you keep under a mattress is more melodramatic, and stirs up more outrage than the actual reality of a guy with a yacht dodging his fucking taxes that he lets his workers pay for him with no shame.

Fuck this deluded victim bullshit.
The entire Republican party has swallowed this fairy tale about themselves.

But when a society establishes criminals-by-right and looters-by-law--men who use force to seize the wealth of disarmed victims--then money becomes its creators' avenger.

Ho boy, again with the pseudo-religious faith in some kind of money-karma...

It's not money karma, I dismantled that in part 2.

It's rich victimhood.
But only the rich.
The plight of the poor?
Fuck 'em, they deserve it.

Such looters believe it safe to rob defenseless men, once they've passed a law to disarm them. But their loot becomes the magnet for other looters, who get it from them as they got it. Then the race goes, not to the ablest at production, but to those most ruthless at brutality. When force is the standard, the murderer wins over the pickpocket. And then that society vanishes, in a spread of ruins and slaughter.


No, not right.
She's not talking about literal robbers.
If the "looters", are the IRS, who are these "other looters"?
Corrupt politicians?
The welfare class?
Well, she lived to see Ronald Reagan become president, and he was the second most corrupt president behind Trump.
He hadn't done his worst shit by the time she died, but he was a horrible governor of California.
People knew what he was.
Just like we knew what Trump was at the debates.
And Rand seemed to like him just fine.

So, it's the welfare class.
This is a dog whistle that flew right over my head last time.
The IRS steals your money, gives it to darkies who go out and commit crime, and society falls apart.
There it is decoded.
Y'know, I'm starting to buy into the "Reagan planted crack to destroy the black community", conspiracy.

No wonder Trey Garrison turned into a Nazi, it's right fucking there.

The ARI can take PPP money though.
And Ayn Rand can go on Social Security.
Cuz they're whitey.
How did I miss this? 
How was I so blind?
Holy shit.
Well, in the words of TV Hannibal Lector "because I worked very hard to blind you".

"Do you wish to know whether that day is coming? Watch money. Money is the barometer of a society's virtue. When you see that trading is done, not by consent, but by compulsion--when you see that in order to produce, you need to obtain permission from men who produce nothing--when you see that money is flowing to those who deal, not in goods, but in favors--when you see that men get richer by graft and by pull than by work, and your laws don't protect you against them, but protect them against you--when you see corruption being rewarded and honesty becoming a self-sacrifice--you may know that your society is doomed. Money is so noble a medium that is does not compete with guns and it does not make terms with brutality. It will not permit a country to survive as half-property, half-loot.

Okay, and here's where she finally throws the punch she winded up at the beginning 

It's not a winded up punch, she's gone from dog whistle to people whistle.
Her books are so fucking wordy and run-on, because she has to hide the racism.
If she could just scream "daaarkiiiieeesss!!!", Atlas Shrugged would be a fucking pamphlet.

by insisting money had some magical virtue dust sprinkled apon it, now it's the vile nasty socialist state that destroys virtue and the reason money does evil is because of the damned commies!

And only the commies!

Capitalists are never bad, and when they are bad, they're not capitalists!

Nope, even the bad capitalists aren't bad.
Like I said last time, it's not about what a sane person would consider moral.
She puts all morality into dollars and widgets.
And what you get out the other end is greedy white supremacy.
No wonder this bullshit took hold in America.
She knew her audience.
If you want a cult to take root in America, sprinkle some racism on it.
It'll grow like weeds.

"Whenever destroyers appear among men, they start by destroying money, for money is men's protection and the base of a moral existence. Destroyers seize gold and leave to its owners a counterfeit pile of paper.

Oh, now we're back to the gold standard shit...

I tore apart the gold standard in part 1, but conservatives know goddamned well the gold standard didn't and doesn't work, and is never fucking coming back.
This is obvious code for crying about FDR.
They want The New Deal Gone, they want the progress of the 60's gone, and they've basically come right out and said so, so I dunno why Ayn Rand is dog whistling here, except that maybe she was paranoid that Bolshevik agents would kick down her door or something.

But, again, Ayn Rand had no problem going on Social Security, and she owed that to FDR.
Her stupid little cult should have died there.
But grifters gotta grift, and Randism is a good grift.
Especially if it gets you some sweet juicy  PPP money.

This kills all objective standards and delivers men into the arbitrary power of an arbitrary setter of values. Gold was an objective value, an equivalent of wealth produced.

Oh, here we fucking go.
Now we get to the fucking heart of it.

Objective standards.

And her objective standard is bullshit.
But she had to use the gold standard, because if she used phrenology, people would have caught on quicker to what she was up to.

It's like the religious appeal to objective morality, isn't it?

It's exactly that.
It's another fucking religion.
A racist one.
Like Mormonism.
Except Mormonism says the racist parts out loud, and the "greed is good", parts quiet.
Only difference.
Holy shit, I went on this journey to discover Randism is inverted Mormonism?

(I'm snipping out my long bit where past-me dismantles the "objective value", of gold, cuz I've already covered that much quicker)

Gold, paper money, its value all comes from our belief in it.

Which is fine, as far as it goes, but just don't tell me any of this shit is fucking objective.

I felt like I had to beat this part to death back then, because I had an argument with a Randroid once over this, and he got red-faced level screamy about it.

His best case in the end was "because they had to dig it from the ground!!! And digging is work!!!".
And he acted like he had actually won.

Um,...the guy who fills the ink and pushes the button on the money printing press is doing work too.

The guy who wrote the code for bitcoin did work too.

Not manual labor enough for you?
Then the guys who built the printing press, and the computer.
And who mined the metals for those.
Happy now?

They reduce things down until they find the level that makes them happy to stop at, never noticing that their choice is arbitrary.
Stupid muthafuckas.
Never "debate", a Randroid, it kills braincells, and burns calories you could better spend on jacking off.

Paper is a mortgage on wealth that does not exist, backed by a gun aimed at those who are expected to produce it. 

Fuck you, you fucking liar.
Gold is fiat currency too.
But the scarcity is to its detriment.
You can't inflate it or deflate it, so it can't flow with the rest of the market, and you get an economic crash.
Like we had in the 20's.
But conservatives are fine with that, cuz it mostly (if not only) hurts the poor.
Cuz they're classist and racist monsters that want us all to die.
All you need for modern proof is the fucking coronavirus.

And that's what Rand is all but saying here.
She'd rather you and your family die than some poor slumlord have to cough up his dues.

Fuck this Nazi.
I can see past-me missing this, but how did smarter people not shoot this shit down back when this came out?
How did it gain such traction?
Oh, right, it doesn't matter how much you debunk shit, morons just shout "fake news!", and throw down a smoke pellet.
*Sad sigh*

Paper is a check drawn by legal looters upon an account which is not theirs: upon the virtue of the victims. Watch for the day when it bounces, marked, 'Account overdrawn.'

And here she's saying she's rooting for the collapse of society so the rich can give everyone the finger, which is what the plot to the rest of "Atlas Shrugged", is.

Fuck her.
The rich have sucked everything out of society, and they want to play the victims?

Fucking Trump burning everything down with the coronavirus accelerating his mad rush to do so is probably an attempt to bring about that very wet-dream.

Okay, rich ass-suckers, let's see if you can even get a vegetable garden going.
Let's see how far you get when you kill the working class.
Plenty of you richers starved to death for lack of labor skills during the Great Depression.
And it was a beautiful fucking thing.
It didn't happen enough.

And Ayn Rand lived through this shit.
She knew better.
This is all a grift just so she could make a cult to get young cocks shoved into her.
She's female Jim Jones.

Well, I agree we have a fucking money problem, and as a technology, the hood needs to be opened for an engine overhaul, but we'd be having that trouble if clam shells were our fucking money.

It's greed. And incompetence. And lack of oversight.
Which was due to greed, and incompetence.
The greedy and influential will always game the system in their favor.
There's your fucking objective truth.

And it's inherent to capitalism.
Rousing fist shaking speeches about "the product of your mind and honor", have done, and will do nothing to stem this in any fucking way.

Indeed, Randroids have been some of the biggest gamers of the system.

Okay, past-me finally got there in noticing/mentioning that bullshit.

But money doesn't need to be overhauled.
That's residue of that stupid "the Fed is a Ponzi scheme!", video that circulated.
Which itself was a dog whistle for "Jeeeeewwwss!!", that I was blinded to.

No, simplest solution is to tax the rich at 90% like they used to be in the 60's.

The rich still managed to live in disgusting corpulent opulence even taxed at that rate.
They'll fucking live.
Don't ever play the violin for them.
You don't need to, Ayn Rand did it for you for 1 thousand plus pages.

"When you have made evil the means of survival, do not expect men to remain good. Do not expect them to stay moral and lose their lives for the purpose of becoming the fodder of the immoral. Do not expect them to produce, when production is punished and looting rewarded. Do not ask, 'Who is destroying the world? You are.

And here we go with this shit, if the world doesn't work Ayn Rand's way, fuck it, fuck everyone, and that's the core of the plot of Atlas Shrugged.

Plus, it's wife beater and spree killer logic.
"I had no choice!".
"You MADE me do it!".

Yeah, poor corporations, we MADE them use Chinese and Mexican slave labor cuz of our pesky unionizing.
They'd go BROKE paying a living wage!
Bull-fucking-shit, McDonald's has plenty in their coffers to pay burger-flippers a living wage, and if Mickey's can do it, they all fucking can.
How can you brag about billions served, and plead poverty?
You can't.
You don't have to be a math wizard to solve this one.

Bosses bitterly begrudge labor costs, because they wish we were slaves, because there are no moral rich people.
They all drink this rich victimhood Kool-Aid.
Either from Ayn Rand, or Milton Friedman, or their shitty dads and grandpas who read Freidman and Rand.

Fuck 'em. 
Make 'em cry.
Vote to make 'em cry.
Legislate to make 'em cry.
Protest to make 'em cry.
Boycott to make 'em cry.
Strike to make 'em cry.

Funny when it's downsized workers, Ayn Rand sneers at "the ocean of tears".
But for richers, the water works come a gushing.
Fuck these people.
Fuck 'em.
They'd flog you if they could get away with it.

"You stand in the midst of the greatest achievements of the greatest productive civilization and you wonder why it's crumbling around you, while you're damning its life-blood--money. You look upon money as the savages did before you, and you wonder why the jungle is creeping back to the edge of your cities.

No comment, just a facepalm, and a need for a breath....

Whoa, wait, how did that one fucking fly past me??
She's not even dog whistling or dog kazooing anymore, it's a fucking bullhorn.
That was flat out openly racist.
Holy fuckballs.
I was lost in the maze of my white privilege, I guess.
I'm flabbergasted that I didn't see that.
Fucking wow!

Yeah, she'd be riding her vibrator if she'd lived to see the crackdown on the BLM protests.
She'd be all for that shit.

Throughout men's history, money was always seized by looters of one brand or another, whose names changed, but whose method remained the same: to seize wealth by force and to keep the producers bound, demeaned, defamed, deprived of honor. That phrase about the evil of money, which you mouth with such righteous recklessness, comes from a time when wealth was produced by the labor of slaves--slaves who repeated the motions once discovered by somebody's mind and left unimproved for centuries. So long as production was ruled by force, and wealth was obtained by conquest, there was little to conquer, Yet through all the centuries of stagnation and starvation, men exalted the looters, as aristocrats of the sword, as aristocrats of birth, as aristocrats of the bureau, and despised the producers, as slaves, as traders, as shopkeepers--as industrialists.

See, I was fooled because here she bemoans slavery, so it almost makes her look progressive, but she's talking ancient slavery (because it's a Biblical phrase she's tearing down) where the slaves were white.
She couldn't give a squirt of piss for African slavery.

And her whole thing is about being butt-hurt because she's a former aristocrat, so she's full of shit crying about aristocrats.
Work that grift, you toxic harpy.

She's winding up for another punch, brace yourself....

"To the glory of mankind, there was, for the first and only time in history, a country of money--and I have no higher, more reverent tribute to pay to America, for this means: a country of reason, justice, freedom, production, achievement. For the first time, man's mind and money were set free, and there were no fortunes-by-conquest, but only fortunes-by-work, and instead of swordsmen and slaves, 

Um...African slavery, you racist bitch!!!

there appeared the real maker of wealth, the greatest worker, the highest type of human being--the self-made man--the American industrialist.

Yeah...the robber pure..

Some are okay, many are bloodless scumbags.

No, they all are.
They're all trash.
Every single one.

In Ayn Rand's world, all industrialists are Tony Stark.

You're earlier into the MCU.
Tony almost destroys the Earth in "Age Of Ultron".

Human beings can't handle that much power.
It needs to be shut down.
The rest of us have a right to exist too.

And what about the industrialist who fucks his workers over?
Who uses his money as a chain?
Who's company owns a town, and there's nowhere else to go?

"Fuck 'em", is Ayn Rand's answer.

Oh, right, the working man is an honest man

She cared fuck-all about the working man, she just wants them to be good little boys and girls that don't get ideas above their station.
And to have the delusion that punching the clock will ever lead to being rich, when it's about inheritance, and secret handshakes, and knowing the right people.
In short, don't unionize, or strike, or you're a commie, and need to die.

, and the industrialist is the highest worker, so only his money matters.

He's rich because he's great and he's great because he's rich.

That little logic loop had my ears bleeding for a good while, lemme tell ya.

You had to go through the logic loop, because they're cowards who won't come out and say the dog whistle part out loud.
And no one gives you a dog whistle decoder chart.
Willingly, anyway.
We have to send spies in to their awful little world.

"If you ask me to name the proudest distinction of Americans, I would choose--because it contains all the others--the fact that they were the people who created the phrase 'to make money.' No other language or nation had ever used these words before; men had always thought of wealth as a static quantity--to be seized, begged, inherited, shared, looted or obtained as a favor. Americans were the first to understand that wealth has to be created. The words 'to make money' hold the essence of human morality. doesn't fall from the sky, new money is willed into existence by...paper fiat money...that Rand where is this "to make money", shit coming from??

At this point, you can stop tying to apply logic to it.
It's a delusional fairy tale to make rich racists have a boner.
Which she hopes they'll stick into her.
So she can be a trophy wife, and then a spoiled aristocrat again.
It's the longest fascist dating profile ever.
It never came true, her boyfriend Nathanial Brandon was a loser, and her and her husband died on the dole.
Oh, fun note about the Nathaniel Brandon thing, it was a-okay for her to get some side-action, but when Brandon got a girlfriend, it was a total jealousy cat-fight.
Yeah, Randism espouses swinging!
Espouses it, but in practice, it was about the cult leader getting all the dick.
Cults always have that sexual component.
If it's not written directly into the code, they get there anyway.

"Yet these were the words for which Americans were denounced by the rotted cultures of the looters' continents. Now the looters' credo has brought you to regard your proudest achievements as a hallmark of shame, your prosperity as guilt, your greatest men, the industrialists, as blackguards, and your magnificent factories as the product and property of muscular labor, the labor of whip-driven slaves, like the pyramids of Egypt. The rotter who simpers that he sees no difference between the power of the dollar and the power of the whip, ought to learn the difference on his own hide-- as, I think, he will.

Oh, well, so here's where the hate of the working class leaks in...and misses the point of why industrialist pigs were hated. She denounces the slave driver, but the industrialist who cracks the whip on his workforce, he's a hero somehow, and you should be grateful to toil for him.

Fun stuff, ain't it?

Worse than that, she's calling for violence against liberals.
Again, she'd be vibrating herself to the BLM protest crackdowns.
Fucking Nazi.

And when she says "the product and property of muscular labor, the labor of whip-driven slaves, like the pyramids of Egypt", she's coming right out and saying she hates laborers, so she was never talking to Jim and Tammy punch-clock.
Never was.
It's not in code anymore, she came right out and said it.
Which makes it hilarious that working-class assholes read and fall for this shit.
And vote Republican.

So, what was the slavery she was crying about earlier on?
Rich victimhood.
They really think if you tax them, they're enslaved.
They're fucking psycho.
Make these fuckers cry.

Tax 'em.
Vote against 'em
Pickett 'em
Boycot 'em.
Bring 'em to heel.
They're the fucking parasites.
Always were.

"Until and unless you discover that money is the root of all good,

Oh, blow me.

It's not good or evil, it's a tool, you admitted as much.

But she sees "good", as smoke stacks pumping poison into the sky.
As for blowing you, she would if you had a burger empire, or a soda fortune.

you ask for your own destruction. When money ceases to be the tool by which men deal with one another, then men become the tools of men. Blood, whips and guns--or dollars. Take your choice--there is no other--and your time is running out."

Uh huh...


Ahhh, it's over!
And yeah, she wraps up with more violence threats.
"Tax us, and we'll burn this motherfucker down!!".

How about you fuckers run away to that island you talk about, and leave our society alone?
We'll do just fine without your sabotaging psychotic asses.
You won't, because you're takers, and you'd die without the very society you condemn, you piles of shit.
And you damned well know it.
Galt's Gulch is never coming.
They've had 63 fucking years since this book came out to make it happen.
It ain't happening.
And rather than (heh-heh!) shrug, and go the fuck away, they're hurting as many poor and minorities as they can out of petulant spite.

Cuz that's really all this breeds.
Not a utopia, or a dystopia, but never-ending violence, bred on petulance, bred on entitlement.
Both literal violence, and economic and social violence.
A fire of hatred that never ends.
Because one spoiled brat didn't get her pony for her sweet sixteen.
Ayn Rand is the Borg Queen of Karens.

*Sigh* and allegedly this is second only to The Bible as the world's biggest bestseller.
Allegedly, I can't confirm this.

No, it's an inflated claim.
Its only sold half as many copies as "Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy".
Exhale with relief.

This has nothing to offer me as a philosophy, 

It has nothing to offer anyone.
I've heard if you read it the right way, there's good stuff about self-reliance to take away from it, but my fucking lord, the dog whistle racism that bubbles and seethes underneath that you have to blind yourself to.
I couldn't make it through this one stupid speech without finding it riddled in there.
No, there's so many better sources of that message you can find.
Avoid this book like a mask-less redneck in 2020.
If you have read it, sympathy hugs.
Holy shit, how are you still sane?

and I tried for awhile.
I did.

Because you were snake charmed by Trey Garrison.
You were like "here's a confident guy who seems to have his shit together, maybe there is something to this".
No, he was just a high functioning psychopath.
Psychopaths think very highly of themselves.

I tried a bunch of fucking philosophies.
I think I'm giving up on philosophies, that's my philosophy.

Nah, you just got burnt by the worst of them.
You'll be okay.
Be socialist.
You pretty much have to be.
There's no working class version of Randism that isn't a fucking suicide pact.
Witness the corona plague.
Nope, deep down, you had this solved in your head, you just hadn't admitted it to yourself.
Cuz you were scared of retaliation from the Nazis.
Fuck 'em they're cowards.
Ayn Rand having to hide her bigotry under mountains of jargon bullshit is testament to that.

So, in final summary, Randism, racist cult to get its author laid.
Should have died with her, but it became a virus that infested our politics, and helped create the nightmare timeline we're living in.
Because Americans are probably the stupidest fucking people on the planet.
We're number one!
We're number one!
We're number one!
Masks are tyranny!
Blue lives matter!
*Coff, coff, wheeze, gurgle*


B. D. said...

I read "Atlas Shrugged" right after "The Fountainhead." Later I read "Anthem" after that. I don't remember what year it was but I have a log of every book I've read since 2006 so I could look it up. I'm pretty sure it was before I was 30.
I mean, if you take AS seriously *after* 30, well that's like taking He-Man seriously after you're 10.

I didn't pick much up on racism, but she's probably just burying it like you said. I wouldn't have really needed the book to be racist to hate it--it's because in part of the horrible length, in part because of the horrible philosophy, and in part because of Rand throwing up straw man after straw man after straw man, on top of all the romantic fantasies like fucking "Galt's Gulch." It's philosophical pornography for the cranky, young and impressionable, whom are still probably Rand's biggest audience.

Hilariously enough Aynie was of course a total atheist so you can see right wingers today gaslighting themselves to pretend that they approve of the book, even worse than when they look the other way about Trump being such a good Christian by banging a dumb blonde porn star while his wife was pregnant. "I'm a libertarian because I want school prayer! I LOVE Ayn Rand!" "You know she thought religion was completely stupid right?" "Oh that's fine"
When it was released Whittaker Chambers, the guy who accused Alger Hiss of being a commie, wrote a review of it for some major publication and said that he had never read a book before in his life where the cry of "to the gas chamber--GO!" was so loud.
This is in the 1950s you understand.

No, there's not that much talk about self reliance in the book. It's Aynie gritting her teeth and screaming hate at characters like "Philip" who is this leechy whiny wimpy guy that Aynie drags on stage every time she wants to scream bloody hate at someone.

"The Fountainhead" at least sort of does a better job telling its story, but the philosophy is still there...but in that book, the guy just admits that he's doing architecture his way because...he doesn't like the way buildings look and he wants to change them. Uhh...well, I can *vaguely* tie that sort of thing to reality, but then you also have to put up with the book's hero raping the heroine because...uh...well, it's so convoluted in its bullshit explanation that it REALLY makes Rand look like a sicko.
She also disapproved of women voting, I think, so she predicts Ann Coulter, whom I guess has made a comeback in the last couple of years.

"Anthem" reads like something for five year olds. The most generic and simplistic take on her philosophy you could imagine. Skip completely.

Diacanu said...

Steve Ditko who co-created Spider-Man was a full Randroid.

He left Marvel, and made The Question for Charlton, who was a Randroid Batman in a trenchcoat, and a mask with no face.

Then, Ditko went out on his own, and made Mr. A who was The Question, but even more Randroid-y.

Alan Moore based Rorschach in Watchmen on a hybrid of Question and Mr. A.
DC bought Charlton, so they owned Question, so they couldn't get sued.

Alan Moore read "Fountainhead", and "Atlas Shrugged", for research, and called them "a white supremacist's wet dream".
I didn't see what he meant, but now I do.

He has Rorschach reading racist right-wing magazines from the news stand where the black kid is reading the pirate comic.

In real life, Reagan was reading a radical right-wing rag that wasn't much better than what Moore made up.
Reagan's advisors and even Nancy tried to stop him from getting his hands on the thing, but he always managed to get his copy every month.
Can't remember the name of it.
Yep, Human Events.

Oh, Jesus Christ, look at their "most harmful books", list.

I think they have "Mein Kampf", on there just for show.
Either that, or lack of self awareness.
Yep, they hate Kinsey.
They hate Dewey, cuz we can't have public education work.
They hate Betty Friedan, cu we gotta get women back in the kitchen.
They hate Keynes, because of course.
Fucking trickle-downers, of course they hate Keynsian economics.

Nietzsche, that's the funny one.
Ayn Rand ripped off a lot of her shit from Nietzsche.
Especially the Übermensch stuff.
That's like communists hating Marx.

Jesus Christ, honorable mention to Darwin, Ralph Nader, and Rachel Carson.
Yeah, we don't wanna know where we came from, have safe cars, or not eat decay and rat shit.
That's goddamned un-murcan!!!
Fucking meatheads.

Right-wing "thought", always makes me want to shower with bleach.

B. D. said...

I have, to be fair, heard a few decent counter arguments about Nader's "Unsafe At Any Speed" book, but I can't remember what they were. Never read "Silent Spring," though I probably should.

Probably what a lot of people only even bother to learn about Nietzsche boils down to the three words he said in 1882, and then they just go from there. Nothing new.

Tom Wolfe's final book was a rather pitiful attack on Darwin, even though Wolfe is an atheist. His claim? Darwin's theories only took off because he was a British Gentleman and British Gentlemen ruled the world back then.

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