Sunday, August 23, 2020

...but the plague had other plans, Part 16.

Well, this is kind of a good-news, bad-news see-saw.

Good news, Cinemagic is open.

Bad news, Cinemagic is open.
The plague is still ongoing, muthafuckas!!!

I mean, the numbers are good in Maine, but will they stay that way?
And even with low numbers, the numbers aren't zero, I could still win the fucking lottery with a wrong misstep.

Good news, they're taking crazy precautions.
-Masks required in the lobby.
-Snack counters social distanced.
-Employees required to wear masks, and sand sanitize as much as nurses.
-Hand sanitizer stations for patrons everywhere.
-Masks required in the auditorium unless/until you're eating (ehhh...don't like that, but they have to sell the stupid fucking food to stay afloat).
-Usher checking to make sure people stay masked.
-Maximum occupancy of auditorium is 50 percent.
-2 seats between parties (families are obviously immune to each other).
-They use antibacterial foggers to clean the theaters between viewings.

Bad news, people are assholes, so they're going to skirt those rules as much as possible, in every way you can imagine.
Worse news, you know some super-assholes are gonna go full transphobic Karen in a Wal-Mart, and make it a demonstration.
We've seen it in fucking grocery stores.

Nope, I ain't going until I've got veins pumping full of vaccine antibodies.

Cuz....even if I wanted to take the risk, it just sounds like a drag.
Sounds like a total fucking drag.

Even with all of the precautions, and even if everyone was as well behaved as a church mouse...I'd still mark a date three weeks after I went as my "I made it, I didn't die", date, and have restless nights until I crossed the finish line.

Plus, I can't find a mask that doesn't make my glasses fog.
And I can't see a fucking movie without my glasses.

Nope, for-get it.

Let the other suckers be the lab rats.

I'll catch New Mutants on blu-ray.
And I'll catch "Tenet", never.
My heart breaks, but movie theaters are a luxury.
Ain't worth dying over.
I wish them well as a business, and an industry, but...nope, see you after Christmas.


B. D. said...

Not interested in "Tenet" at all, then? You not interested in Christopher Nolan anymore? It's getting mixed reviews....

....I for one think it's HILARIOUS that we're all being welcomed back to theaters with a godawful Russell Crowe road rage movie.

Diacanu said...

Nah, I'll catch it on home video or cable someday, but I ain't gonna brave the 'rona for it.

"It MUST be seen on the big screen!!".

Well...that's a shame.

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