Monday, August 31, 2020

More celebrity shitlist

Picked right up from last time.
Can't believe I forgot some of these...

-Frank Miller (fascist)
-Alan Moore (bitter old burnout cokehead hypocrite who shits on comics and its fans)
-Neil Adams (batshit kook)
-Roseanne (for know)
-James Woods (full-blown Trumper, and basically his villain character in Family Guy)
-William Shatner (Trumper, transphobe, and everything George Takei ever said he was)
-Victoria Jackson (full blown Christian wackaloon and Trumper)
-Dennis Miller (9/11 made him a Bush-licker, and he's only gotten worse since)
-Ellen (normalizing the war criminal George W. Bush, and giving a lame non-pology)
-Scott Adams (been an asshole for awhile, but he still betrayed me when I realized it)
-Doug Walker (for the pedo-enabler shit, and for his cringe-y as fuck "The Wall", parody where he goes full CHUD)
-Rob Walker (for being even CHUD-ier than Doug, and helping Doug get to CHUD-ville)
-Brad Jones (for being a Doug Walker lackey when he doesn't have to be)
-Robert Myer Burnett (for drinking the CHUD Kool-Aid straight from Doomcock's cock)
-James Rolfe (for going CHUD-y during the great internet GB:ATC meltdown)
-Red Letter Media (same as James Rolfe)


B. D. said...

I've probably mentioned a few times how embarrassed I was to have ever liked Dennis Miller even back in the 90s, but what really baffles me is that HE'S STILL AROUND. He's like a corpse that keeps getting propped back up, he's gone through several TV and radio shows that are as far as I can tell the same thing over and over again, and when he mentions why he became a conservative it's because he didn't like liberals making fun of that old guy who was Ross Perot's VP candidate back in fucking 1992!

It's one of the downsides of content oversaturation is that there's still a place for Miller!

Diacanu said...

Well, on Miller's shitty MSNBC show (remember, they were actually conservative right after 9/11) he said the last straw that turned him all the way conservative was protestors in New York calling Giuliani fascist.

Y'know, cuz he was "the hero of 9/11", and how dare anyone call HIM fascist.

Well, Trump's got Nazis kidnapping people off the streets, and Giuliani is Trump's butt-boy, so...yeah, fucking fascist.
Those 00's hippies nailed it.
Give 'em the James Randi prize for psychic powers.

As for "hero of 9/11", we're basically having a 9/11 every day now, and Rudy tried to downplay those numbers on Twitter.
Someone tweeted back "then I guess 9/11 was no big deal, huh?".
Dead silence.

Diacanu said...


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