Saturday, August 22, 2020

Youtube/Podcasts 2020.

Did one of these last year, so time for another one.


Stuff that had to go.....

Last Week Tonight.

Eh, just found I wasn't clicking it.
He's good, but I get better news and jokes from my Facebook feed.

Collider Videos.

I said last time I was on the verge of deleting it.
They decided for me.
All the panel shows are gone.
*Snaps* like that. 
Like Thanos.
They're still around as a channel, but they do these stupid lame deep-fake skits instead.
And boring celebrity suck-up interviews.
No thanks.

John Campea.

Just got sick of him.
He's not a bad guy, but his schtick just got old for me.
Plus, his co-host, Robert Myer Burnett thinks it's "balanced", to listen to CHUD stuff, and as a result,  CHUD talking points come out of his mouth sometimes, and....I've got zero tolerance for that shit anymore.
That shit's literally gotten people killed, it ain't cute anymore.
Plus....I just don't need these type of shows anymore period.
I know what I think of movies, and I keep up on the news just fine with my RSS feeds.
I'm my own damned movie show.
Nope, sorry, bye, John & Rob.
See ya.

The Cine-Files.

Good show, but it just got to the point where I couldn't remember the last time I clicked it, cuz I couldn't remember the last time they did a movie I gave a shit about.
Same problem as "Last Week Tonight".
My interest just faded away in spite of it being good.


I dunno why I was even keeping this around.


Went through a phase of having obnoxious human personalities instead of cartoons, then they found an animator to sponsor, so they went back to cartoons, but it's all fucking Pokemon, Pokemon, Pokemon. 
I don't give a fuck about Pokemon.
I got on board for the Mario, Sonic, Megaman, etc parodies.
Ain't gonna do that era of gaming anymore?

LM reactions

I like the girls, but they don't do shows I watch anymore.
They're obsessed with "The 100".
I'm never gonna watch "The 100".
Not gonna happen.
Sorry sweeties.


They're trying to be comic book authors, and real TV writers, so....their YT output has fallen off, and...the thin trickle that's left is shit I'm not interested in.

Stuff that stuck around...

Mostly for the opening political skits.
This year has been weird, cuz of corona.

Y'know....I'm on the verge of quitting this show.
I had quit for almost a decade, and was watching MadTV instead, cuz their political stuff had more balls. Then that ended, and I can't remember what I was watching instead of SNL, but I only got back into it cuz of "Ghostbusters: Answer The Call", and I wanted to catch up on Leslie Jones and Kate McKinnon. They made me fans again, and I got sucked back in.

But, Leslie Jones left, and now I realize, I'm only watching for McKinnon anymore.
The second she leaves, I'm out.

Just for the Honest Trailers.
Everything else is ass-gravy.
Course, with corona, there's been no new movies for them to do, so I hardly watched them this year.
Leaning towards deleting them.
This schtick is getting old too.
We'll see where I'm at next year with this one.

Good old reliable Jason.
I'm sticking with him.

Another one hit by corona.
No new movies this year after Harley Quinn.

Best thing is still "what's the difference?".
But those are a rare thin trickle.
Still worth being subscribed to when one drops though.

After slacking off on her stuff, I went through a binge of her recently, and she's a goddamned genius.

Even when it's a topic you don't think you're gonna give a shit about, she makes it interesting as Hell.
She made me give a shit about "Land Before Time", Bronies, and the Buzzy puppet at Epcot.

Great shit.
Hilarious content.
Will keep for the foreseeable future.

Another one hit bad by corona.
He needs guests to be good, and he can't get 'em.

Still reliable.
In spite of no new movies cuz of corona, he still finds shit to talk about.

Corona hasn't hurt them at all.
They're just doing marathons of old franchises, and still bring the funny.

Hit by corona.
Walking Dead can't finish the last leg of their stupid season, so she's just kinda hanging around.
Apparently, she's got a million other shows on Patreon, but I ain't paying for that shit.
I'll catch her later when TWD is back.
I need her humor to help slog through that show anymore.

Remember last time I said he was doing too much?
I finally caught up with binges.
Good stuff!
He's a damn good writer, he should ditch the action figures, and hire actors.

For some reason, Irish people reacting to nasty American food never gets old.

Formerly Hugo and Jake.
Formerly "The Bible Reloaded".
Hugo came out as trans, and is Hannah now.

Another good-old-reliable.
Always on point.
Still one of the good guys.

Again, just the Youtube re-posting of the audio Scathing Atheist and God Awful Movies channels, but sometimes, rarely, they have video content.
I mostly have it around when I just want to Facebook post one of the opening diatribes as a separate thing.

They do lots of video streams now on top of reposting their audio show.

I've got a backlog of her stuff to catch up on.
Always good stuff.
It's like Jenny Nicholson, I've just been slacking off.

Still cranking it out.
Still being a trooper in the face of corona, and fascism.

They're not watching anything I watch lately, but dammit, I'm not gonna give up.
Plus, there's been no new movies, so no trailer reactions either.
But, it'll turn around someday.

Same as Married2the Real.

Still making good stuff.
Corona didn't touch animation.

What's been added....

Jake from Hannah & Jake.
He's all right.
When there's no other shows, he's good to kill time with.

Hannah from Hannah & Jake.
Her show is better than Jake's.
I'm just gonna flat out say it.

I dunno why I didn't have him bookmarked before.
He was always one of the good guys.
Like Darkmatter, and Hannah & Jake.
Vadim, who voices CC, has stepped out in front of the camera as himself way more but still has CC around as a character.
His stuff was always cute, but a little on the fluffy side, but ever since online atheism schism-ed over SJW vs anti-SJW, and the anti-SJWs turned into fascist MAGA CHUDS, he's gotten waaayyyy better.
His stuff takes longer to research and produce now, but when he finally does one, he slaughters the assholes he goes after.
It's a work of art every time.

Sidebar recommended one of his videos, and I became an instant fan.
Sidebar hasn't recommended anything good in....YEARS!
He does well researched essays on how conservatives became so fucking fashy and crazy and how you can cut through the haze of their pseudo-intellectual bullshit clouds.

With him, you can speed-learn everything I had to by slogging the hard way.
You lucky keeds!

Audio podcasts.

Stuff that had to go.....

Factually! With Adam Conover.

Same as Last Week Tonight, and Cine-Files, I've got too much to keep up on, and something had to fall by the wayside.
Plus, the depressing shit he talks about is stuff I read articles about on Facebook all day, so....
Sorry, Adam.

Stuff that stuck around...

Everything else.

What's been added....

The fifth Puzzle In A Thunderstorm show!!!
The others being Scathing Atheist, God Awful Movies, Skepticrat, and Citation Needed.

Comes out monthly.
The PIAT crew basically just play D&D.
They're funny, so it's funny.
Their D&D game?
Funnier than "Disenchantment".
Yeah, sorry, Matt Groening.

The guy who played Harry Kim on ST:Voyager, and the guy who played Tom Paris review a Voyager episode a week.
They're up to season 2 already.
Pretty good.
I've said it before, that show got shat on way more than it deserved.

And, that's that.


B. D. said...

Tried any of the mystery channels? Barely Sociable, Lemmino, Atrocity Guide?

Diacanu said...

I'll give 'em a shot...


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