Monday, August 3, 2020

Coronapocalypse, Part 1.

New category for "stuff from Facebook".
All the corona/Trump stuff was overflowing the "hypocrites", and "liars and cowards", categories, so I had to split it off.
So, got one big four-parter to go, but I'll bust it up into two two-parters.
One today, one tomorrow.
Part 1!

Hong-Kong protestors.

May 31, 2020

(Reacting to these...)

Hong Kong protesters know how to Batman their shit up. 
Putting this on public to share around. 
Be safe.

And the addendum...

Also, leaf blowers blow away teargas.

Well, the American protestors have caught up, they're even doing the leaf blower trick.
DHS are Nazis.
My neck had gooseflesh the instant Bush invented them.
I saw this shit coming.
"Homeland", is a Nazi word.
"Homeland", "Fatherland", "Motherland", you don't wanna hear any of that shit in a president's vocabulary.
Fucking ever.

Into the grinder!

April 18, 2020

Us poors have always known the politicians and corporations have always been gleefully willing to toss us into the meat grinder for their stock portfolio. 
Now the only difference is, the richers are just coming right out and saying it. 
"Here, piggy, piggy! Get in the grinder! Aw, come on! Please!?". 
It's also being exposed how many have taken the abuse so long, they've developed Stockholm syndrome, and are like "yes, master! Yes siree!! In I go!! Wheeee!! *crunch, crunch, crackle, crackle*".

Obviously inspired this- "Hamburger!!!".

See here for the backstory/theory on how corona caused these protests/riots.

Death penalty for trillionaires.

May 23, 2020

Billionaires should be illegal, and trillionaire should get automatic death penalty by...the world. 
The world becomes a temporary reality gameshow where we all hunt the bastard. 
That's my hot take of the day. 

Republicans cause everything awful.

May 24, 2015

I notice more and more as I get older, every time there's a horrible thing happening, and I trace its origin, it's because this thing happened, because this thing happened, because this one vital thing DIDN'T happen, because a fucking Republican cut the funding. 
Environment, poverty, race relations, schools, you name it. 
If I get the runs tomorrow, it can probably be medically traced to a bacteria from a bug that had a population explosion due to cuts in wetland preservation by fucking Republicans. 
The internet is just making this shit more and more visible.

And the update...

May 24, 2020

Another one that aged well!

Trump hate and butter.

May 20, 2018

You know how I know I'm getting old? 
It's not the grey hairs in my beard, it's not the numbers on the birthday cakes. 
It's that I don't want to skin Trump, and put his skin on an animal skeleton, and decorate the lawn with it. 
My 20-something self, his mind would have went right there. 
And not just the end product, every little cut and suture to get there. 
The whole process. 
Now, I just want his aorta to rupture in his sleep, and he just slips away. 
It could be age, could be that I switched to an olive oil margarine in the late 00's. 
Hard telling.

And the update...

May 20, 2020

Oh, no, I'm totally back up to taxidermy levels of anger again. 
Course, I switched to real butter when my olive oil margarine switched to corn oil. 
No, it's Trump.

Covidiots and upbringing.

May 7, 2020

Looking at these covid spreading tantrum having entitled assholes makes me ponder what their upbringing must have been like. 
I was and wasn't a spoiled kid. 
I was spoiled in that I got every toy I wanted. 
But, I didn't ask for much, and I didn't feel entitled to it, and it didn't destroy my world if I didn't get it. 
I never threw a fit over wanting anything. 
Conversely, my mother found she couldn't control my behavior with depriving me of things. 
My bus ride was fucking long, so I didn't get home in time for He-Man, so she taped He-Man. 
If I did bad in school, I couldn't watch my He-Man tape. 
I just went without He-Man. 
I had the toys, I could make my own stories. 
If she had taken the toys, I would have used sticks or something. 
Or drawn cartoons. 
If she had taken my sticks/pencils, I would have made my hands into characters. 
If she had tied my hands, I just would closed my eyes and daydreamed. 
Creative kids have resources. 
Which is why I didn't focus on school, which is why I got punished in the first place. 
The covidiots must have been unruly little monsters, and were clearly always stupid and boring. 
Part of me can't help feeling sorry for them. 
Part of me thinks their deaths can't come fast enough.

With all the Karen-ing and Kevin-ing these fuckers have been doing, I just want them dead.
Hurry up and die, Karens and Kevins.
You suck.

Republicans aren't naïve.

May 11, 2017

I used to wonder "do Republicans wake up in the morning thinking 'how can I make the world more awful today?', or do they think they're doing something else"? 
Well, Ayn Rand answered that riddle for me. 
She literally tries to brainwash you that bad is good, and good is bad. 
So, yes, they do get up in the morning thinking of ways to make the world awful. 
They do. 
Don't be confused. 
When the next awful headline about what Republicans or Tories are doing to the world gets your blood pressure up, have certainty about it. 
There's no naivete or confusion going on here. 
There's no "if only I could show them some sad puppies, they'd snap out of it", moment coming. 
They're gone. 
The dark side gobbled 'em up a long time ago.

And the update...

May 11, 2020

*Looks at the pandemic so far* Yyyyeeep.

Make no mistake, they're killing us on purpose.
It's not clumsiness.
And they're not just killing us for their stock portfolios, they're killing us to kill us.

Much as you and I hate the Karens, they hate every goddamned one of us.
These fuckers need to be thrown out, and never allowed near power ever again.

Law and order.

June 2, 2020

If your right-wing relatives and friends-of-friends are barking "law and order!! Law and order!! Law and order!!", just mentally translate it to "get back in your place!! Get back in your fucking place!! Know your fucking plaaaace!!!". 
Safe sure bet you won't hit any innocent targets with the assumption.

Y'know, if you've got Republican relatives, at this point, fucking divorce them.
These people aren't just toxic at Thanksgiving, they're fucking dangerous.
It ain't cute anymore.
Cut your losses.


June 2, 2020

...I've tried to care about SpaceX, but I just can't muster it. 
I just. 
The news wants me to give a shit, the talk shows want me to give a shit, friends on my feed seem to give a shit, and it's like someone blackened my mother's eyes shut, and wants me to cheer up cuz they got me Dairy Queen and a Gameboy. 
No thanks, not in the mood.

They did another thing just yesterday, and I don't give a shit.
Especially after Elon Musk's "we will coup whoever we want", tweet.
Full mask-off Nazi, and I'm supposed to think he's a hero?
Fuck him.
I hope he goddamned dies.
I hope Corona grows a body, and drags him to Hell.

The exciting conclusion to the USA-CU!!

June 2, 2020

(Reacting to an article on Ebola coming back to the congo)

Oh! And ebola's back! 
Ebola, corona, murder hornets, tornados, depression, race riots, fascist cops, and a fascist president! 
All the old characters and plotlines converging together in one movie! 
It's the "Endgame", of the USA-CU!

Aaaand, done!
Next time, more of these!


B. D. said...

$Legion$ retweeted a news story where Kushner and his buddies apparently consider it acceptable for blue states to get hit hardest by corona because their Dem governors will get blamed.


Diacanu said...

Horrific indeed.
Yeah, I saw that story.

Also, some Trump aid came right out and said Trump "hasn't been fascist enough".

We're fucked.

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