Monday, August 3, 2020

Coronapocalypse, Part 2.

Let's just get this one done...

Trump, Boris Johnson, and Littlefinger.

June 3, 2020

The more I see Trump & Boris Johnson exploit the chaos of the pandemic, the more I'm certain they cried when Littlefinger died. 
Well, for Trump, Littlefinger and Joffrey.

My neighbors are gossiping little bitches spreading plague.

June 4, 2020

My fucking neighbor across the street gets right up in the garbage man's face, and shoots the shit with him about....nothing. 
Certainly nothing worth spreading plague over. 
Same with the mail man. 
Hey, if you love the garbage man and mail man so fucking much, get their fucking phone numbers. 
Then you can gossip like teenage girls all fucking night. 
"Tee hee!! What are you doing?". 
"No, what are YOU doing!?". 
"Tee hee!". "Tee hee!!". 
Fucking people. 
This pandemic has magnified and justified everything I always hated about them.

Trump is a coward.

June 5, 2020

Remember when a knife wielding maniac jumped the fence, and ran right into the White house, and almost got Obama? 
Remember when Obama turned the White House into a fortress after? 
Yeah, me either. Trump is a coward.

Quake behind your triple walls, you pant-pissing little biznatch.
The hero of MAGA CHUDs, everyone!
What a virile stud!

Cops and gas.

June 5, 2020

I see headlines and tweets like "why? Why the gas!? Why do the cops use so much gas!? Why are they allowed to use gas!? It's a war crime!". 
Nazis like gas. 
It's a theme they have going. 
It's their kink. 
Pay attention. 
Steven Speilberg made movies about this shit. 
You had homework you were supposed to do.

Torturing Trump wouldn't accomplish anything.

June 5, 2020

(In response to a friend saying "I want him to feel pain", in response to some stupid shit Trump said about George Floyd)

I'm constantly bombarded with the fantasy of using telekinesis to give him the sensation of gout, arthritis, kidney stones, migraine, and dental surgery all together, and driving him to the ground quaking in tears. 
But it wouldn't fix him. 
The second I stopped, he'd be on Twitter riling up his swarm of zombie-drones against me. 
No, it's his power that needs to be broken. 
The sick system that creates people like him needs to be dismantled.

Our CHUD incel president.

June 6, 2020

It just occurred to me, Trump was already our first troll president, but thanks to him hiding in the bunker, he's now a full-blown CHUD! 
Is Melania fucking him? 
I think we can slap him with incel too!

This is totally a sequel to "bootstrap this!".

These pseudo-macho dick-flexers online that label anyone who disagrees with them as "a basement dweller", they just cheered for 4 years for a basement dweller president.
They can all fuck off, and eat a dogshit pot pie with pine needle sprinkles.
They have nothing to say to anyone about anything anymore.
Their credibility on anything is never coming back.
Don't ever forget this shit.

Speaking of....

Save the receipts.

June 7, 2020

Its always been a theoretical how many people would murder random innocent people if they had an invisible weapon, and could get away with it. 
Now we know. 
It's a shitload. 
And there are no surprises. 
Have you yet seen someone you love be this awful? 
No, it's people you already hated. 
Save the receipts. 
Remember this shit.

Ant poison and corona churches.

June 15, 2019

I've got this new ant poison where you put down these little cardboard squares, then drip the liquid poison on from a bottle the size of White Out. 
It's thicker than water, but thinner than airplane glue. 
The ants swarm on it like piggies at a troth, and just lay their faces down in it, and guzzle. 
Then they take it back to the hive, and kill their colony. 
A more apt metaphor for Trump voters I've never seen.

And the update...

June 15, 2020

This updates to corona churches so easily...

And Herman Cain!
Bye, Herman, you dumbass plague spreader!

The mentality of the Trump suicide cult.

June 18, 2016

I've always known that so-called "average people", are stupid, weak, and lazy, and I've even known the rabbit hole goes really deep on HOW stupid, weak, and lazy they can go, but the Trump campaign and Brexit movements have shown me irrefutably that the rabbit hole is bottomless. 
It's a singularity. 
It's shown me that civilization is an act of will, a muscle you have to exercise vigilantly. 
And most lack the will. 
Not only do they lack the will, they're effectively screaming out "release me!! Release me from this burden! Let me be naked again! Let me be naked with a shit encrusted asshole out in the forest! Release me from thought! Release me from choice! Let me hand it all over to a warlord! I'm so tired! Release me to the care of my dark master! Let him choose my enemies so I can fight, and fight, and fight! Let me bathe my naked filthy body in blood! Free me! Freee meeee!!". 
It's going to give me years of sadistic pleasure keeping these wannabe barbarians trapped in their boring little jobs with the weapon of the ballot box. 
Yes, the mission becomes clear when seen from this perspective.

And the update...

June 18, 2020

Oh, the anti-lockdown protests have shown it goes past "release me from thought!", it's "release me from this LIFE!". 
It's a full blown suicide cult.

And, that's those done!
Tomorrow, two more.

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