Thursday, October 31, 2013

Halloween Part 3: Hi-jinks Ensue!!

We're back again already!
And, I've got a title this time!

So, I guess I'll retroactively give the last 2 years titles....
  1. Happy Halloween!!!! (Hell yeah, ya fuckin boogins!!!!)
  2. Halloween Part 2: All the drugs in me, all the bugs in me!
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Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Slasher mashes!

From here, two Mondays ago.

Chock full of horror stars, this is what I'd call a "slasher mash".

Hmm...compiling slasher mashes would be a fun post...stay tuned.

So, here it is!

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I REDO the Jasons!

Promised to do this one way back at the Tom Holland review.
And had "Crystal Lake Memories", ordered way back at the Tom Savini review, and received it at the Tom Holland review.
I also mentioned this post as upcoming in the Robert Kurtzman review.
So, it's been awhile coming.
But, I always get there in the end.
Its been on the list.
I always finish a list.

So, here we go, at last, the promised sequel to "I "meh", the Jasons".

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Universal Monsters, Part 2.

"Welcome to the monster cluuub!", of course, being part 1.

All right, so, last year, I of course covered, Dracula, Frankenstein, and Wolfman.

Then, in the monster club post, I filled in the gaps, and did Hunchback, Phantom Of The Opera, Jekyll/Hyde, Mummy, Invisible Man, Creature From The Black Lagoon, then, brought it all the way up to Norman Bates ("Psycho"), the shark(s) from "Jaws", the dinosaurs from "Jurassic Park", and Chucky.

Well, I left some out.
That post really, really, burnt me out, and I really, really, wanted it over with, so, I thought Chucky was a good enough note to end it on.

But, finally, here's the rest.

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Masters Of Horror! (Masters Of Horror)

So, in 2002, Mick Garris got an informal dinner together of fellow directors, John Carpenter, Larry Cohen, Don Coscarelli, Joe Dante, Guillermo Del Toro, Stuart Gordon, Tobe Hooper, John Landis, and Bill Malone.

At that dinner, Del Toro informally half-jokingly named the group "The Masters Of Horror".
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Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Masters Of Horror! (H.P. Lovecraft)

Lovecraft...let's just sum him up by saying he's been...influential.
To understate it astronomically.

So, to update the chronology from last time, it goes Mary Shelly, Edgar Allan Poe, Bram Stoker, then H.P Lovecraft.

Then...I guess Ray Bradbury, Shirley Jackson, Robert Bloch, and Richard Matheson fill the gap up to Stephen King.

And, fuck, I should have done chapters on them.
Ah, well....
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