Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Flash movie timeline speculation.

Okay, I hinted at a theory I had after the Flash trailer, but didn't feel like digging down into it at at the time, but here goes.

Possible heavy spoilers if I'm right.
Definite spoilers for "Flashpoint Paradox".

Given that it's obvious to me that they're doing "Flashpoint Paradox" let's look at how that goes first.

Again, spoilers...

Flash goes back in time, saves his mom, but it makes time ripples, and fucks up the timeline.
Wonder Woman and Aquaman are fighting a war.
Superman is locked up in a government facility.
Flash loses and has to regain his powers.
Thomas Wayne is Batman instead of Bruce.

Now, what do we see in the Flash trailer?

Flash goes back in time, and saves his mom.
He comes back to a fucked up timeline.
Metahumans don't exist at all.
Zod (and offscreen, Faora) are attacking like in "Man Of Steel".
Supergirl is locked up in a government facility.
Flash's alternate self has no powers.
Michael Keaton is Batman instead of Affleck.

Zod and Faora replace evil Wonder Woman and evil Aquaman, and I already said I much prefer that change.

I said here...

Matter of fact, Snyder has said his Kara Zor-El was in one of the stasis pods in the ancient Kryptonian ship, and she sired the Amazons and Atlanteans. He even did a prequel comic about it.
Snyder-verse Supergirl is dead! 
Calle-Supergirl can only be from another dimension!

Now! In "Flashpoint Paradox" Flash changes events before his mom's death because time ripples go backward in time as well as forward.
I know, it's dumb, but go with it.

Here's how I think Supergirl exists instead of Superman.
And, it covers how there's no Aquaman and Wonder Woman.

Kara stays in stasis longer.
No waking up in ancient times, no grandchildren who evolve into Atlanteans and Amazons.
She comes out in modern times, and then the government nabs her.
Remember, Clark activated the ancient ship, and takes off with it.
Without Clark/Superman's interference, the government claims that ship from the start.

What happens to Superman?
Two possibilities.
One of Zod's flunkies almost blows Kal-El's ship out of the sky.
If they had had an extra second to shoot, bam, no more Superman.

Alternately, baby Kal-El/Clark was sick due to Earth's atmosphere before he adapted, and got his powers.
If that sickness had been just a little it rougher, he'd have died then.

Kara stays in stasis, and baby Kal-El dies one of two ways, Superman, Wonder Woman, and Aquaman are all erased.
And Flash is right, no metahumans.
Except for Kara locked up, who they free right in the trailer.

Now! I said here...

Keaton-Bats instead of Thomas Wayne (although I have a theory about that).

My theory? 
Keaton is Thomas, but somehow, his parents named him Bruce.
Then, HIS parents, Batfleck's grandparents, were the ones who were shot.

In pre-change Snyder-verse, Keaton is named Thomas, he marries Martha, and has a son, and then he is shot, and inspires Batfleck to be Batman.
And he's played by Jeffrey Dean Morgan in Batfleck's memories.

Now to the Gunn-verse!

In "Flashpoint Paradox" Flash undoes the change, but instead of restoring the first universe, it creates a third universe.

This is how they'll reboot to the Gunn-verse.

The post-Flashpoint universe will have Supergirl, plus the second Superman, and the third Batman.
Effectively, they'll be re-casted Batfleck and Cavil-Supes, like how Keaton and Jeffrey Dean Morgan are the same guy, but the recasting will separate the universes in audiences minds.

And, there you go.
I also think duplicate Barry Allen will become Reverse Flash, and that both of them will die to get rid of Ezra Miller. But I don't need the marker board for that shit.


B. D. said...

The only comic strip I think I'd be able to read past the age of 12 is "Calvin & Hobbes" and even then with a couple of flags up. Maybe "Peanuts" for old times sake. No others. I read like 30 "Garfield" compilations as a kid before realizing as I got older that Jim Davis ranks slightly below Gene Simmons on the list of Most Shameless Merchandizers Ever.
So no Dilbert for me, what I saw of it didn't have any appeal whatsoever, I kept forgetting that Scott Adams is one of the dumbest celebrities ever, though he can't be worse than Kevin Sorbo. I think from what I've seen of him that he has eternal teenage spaz-o tendencies. Honestly wasn't "Dilbert" just boring office humor?

Kind of at a low ebb lately. Watched old 1925 commie propaganda "Battleship Potemkin" which contains cinema's first ever big heartless massacre sequence? Aieeee. Rereading "Anna Karenina" which is kinda dull really. Great book but a dull read IMO. Uh, not much else to say. 50th anniversary of "Dark Side Of The Moon" inspiring lots of dull articles. Finishing the Kate Bush discography. Not much to tell you, except that the 1984 college indie album "Double Nickels On The Dime" by the Minutemen has too many fucking songs on it.

Diacanu said...

So, I'm scrolling through porn, and I see this girl with a raccoon mask of brown freckles like someone hit her with an airbrush, and I'm look "oooh, she's cute! Let's see what else she's in!" and I shit you not, she did one where she's Gadget from Rescue Rangers.

I almost clicked it for the laughs, but I got paranoid, and thought "nope, even in incognito mode, shit like that will make a loony-bin SWAT team bust in".

So, that's the brilliant art I've been looking up.

B. D. said...

Well I know I've shown you THIS.....


There, it goes right to the most embarrassing part.
I'm extremely pleased that someone preserved that thing...but I fear that the younguns don't know about it. I still think it's one of the freakiest things I've ever seen. As wubb said "I definitely got the impression while reading it that he had spanked it to Gadget."

I keep making the joke about how "if I thought one of the Goonies would win an Oscar it would've been the dumb redhead chick" all over the place and nobody laughs at it. I hope this isn't some woke thing. Sorry, I did a parody of Trump voters where I did an impression of some whiny old man bitching about participation trophies given to fat kids and someone who I wasn't directing the joke at went and bitched to my boss and I got threatened really badly over it and I'm kind of on edge about this shit now.

I'm guessing as far as Disney characters go that Tinkerbell has got to be the all time champ for filthy takes but I'm not basing that off of Deviant Art or anything but rather every time I go out for Halloween some miserably obese girl gets the idea to stuff herself into a Tinkerbell costume repeat with huge hangy ass cheeks peeking out of the tiny skirt thing. Ack. Bad bad bad.

Diacanu said...

Yeah, that work shit is nothing new.
My shitty mail room supervisor and his immediate underling suckup bootlicker could swear a blue streak about Democrats, but us lowest-level plebes had to keep it G-rated and non-political.
I got "taken aside" once for saying shit about Rush. Even without cussing.
It's not that no one can express themselves at work, it's who can.
And guess who magically always can? Yeah.

Someone out there must be fucking those chubby Tinkerbelles.
And their children grow up into mail room supervisors.

B. D. said...

"Someone out there must be fucking those chubby Tinkerbelles."

Rednecks, I guess. I mean, I'm in a college town, but it's a half redneck, agricultural college town. All the cool people ended up in Lawrence, I guess because that's where William S. Burroughs went to die? And yet Lawrence never turned into Kansas' Austin. But you can't live in Austin anymore because it costs zillions, apparently--the hipsters really did ruin it, I take it?

"Scream VI" was actually kind of worth watching!! I wasn't expecting it to be worth a crap but it's actually probably the best of the sequels. They spent a little more time with characters, the deaths aren't all generic stabbings, there's some genuine suspense and setpieces and a couple of good double crosses....too bad towards the end it suspends disbelief to a degree that's pretty embarrassing. Ghostface's aim has gotten terrible, he keeps stabbing people in the side so that they don't get killed!!!
Eghn, do whatever you want with it, but it's better than the last one!

Diacanu said...

That was weird. Your comment vanished, and I had to go to the control panel to find out it was marked as spam somehow.
I un-marked it.

Yeah, I'll marathon all 6 Screams someday when they're in a collector's set for 14 bucks.
That's how I usually consume franchises I delayed catching up on.

Diacanu said...

Must be Google's auto-filter going kerblooey.
I used to get real spam, and it would show up in notifications, but not on the blog, so the spambuster-bot took it down.
But then I've had blatant shit with a jillion shady links get through the filter.
And now you got caught in the filter. I don't know what criteria triggers the thing.

B. D. said...

Maybe the spam filter spams out comments about fucking chubby Tinkerbelles. I don't think I've ever had a comment get spam-leeted here...

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