Stuff from Facebook #48.
Post 18 away from 3000 posts!
And finally, here's this one!
Look at me, I'm Nostra-fucking-damus!!
March 3rd, 2014
When I look at Russia, I see America's future.
Failed in everything, economically imploded, lying in rubble, balkanized, everyone steaming drunk, and pining for "the good old days", run by a moron dictator waving his prick at the world trying to regain some relevance.
I wonder who the last president will be.
And the update..
March 3rd, 2019
Some scary fucking predicting here.
Safety seals.
February 19th, 2018
At supper, I was ripping the annoying foil thing off the new salad dressing, and I got to thinking.
One crazy evil bitch in the 80's killed her husband with poisoned headache pills for nothing more than a petty blue collar sum of insurance money; and to cover her tracks, she put poisoned pills on the grocery shelves to kill strangers, to make it look like a mad poisoner, so it would look like her husband was one of many intended random victims.
Long forensic story of how they caught her, but they did.
After that, they put the foil thingies on all pill bottles, then gradually, they put them on fucking everything.
Even peanut butter.
Which I just also peeled open minutes ago.
One crazy evil selfish bitch 30+ years ago, and we have to peel foil thingies forever.
Funny, huh?
I wonder what recent thing I'm applying this logic to...I'll let you have fun guessing...
I can't remember what I was applying it to then.
Probably something to do with Trump.
But now, I'm grateful for the safety seals, or assholes would be giving us covid19 on purpose just cuz they thought it was funny.
This is why we can't have nice things.
"Get with the program!".
March 18th, 2013
Y'know what phrase makes my flesh crawl?
"Get with the program".
I heard it last night from the bad guys on "The Walking Dead".
I've never heard it in reference to anything good.
It's always either something evil, or at best, mind-numbing, and freedom crushing.
More often than not, flat out fucking evil.
Y'know why no one ever tells you to get with a GOOD program?
Good programs don't need getting with.
You're already instantly with them.
They're not even programs.
"Get with the program", is usually uttered by the same sort of soul-dead robot people that spew "team player".
*Shiver* ooh there's another one.
I knew Oprah was an enemy to humanity when she made "get with the program", a motto for a whole season, and had a shitty SONG about it, and made it the theme song to that season.
I go from goosebumps to teeth grinding rage when "get with the program", is followed by snapping fingers, and I get on the verge of downright homicidal when I see it said to small children.
I don't care if it's something as innocuous as getting them to eat their vegetables, or climbing down off of some implement of play because "it's not playtime now", find another fucking phrase, parents. Seriously, next one of you I run into snapping your fingers, and barking "get with the program", you're getting punched in the face.
Man or woman.
Full tilt, all my body weight thrown behind it.
The Christians who refuse to self isolate need to get with the program, but the scientists aren't using that phrase.
Y'know why?
They're the good guys.
Only bad guys tell people to get with the program with "get with the program".
Argument proven.
Y'know how Oprah is answering this challenge?
Having on Deepak fucking Chopra.
Fuck you, Oprah.
Problems with authority.
March 26th, 2014
I've always heard "problems with authority", like it's supposed to be a bad thing.
How the fuck do you NOT have "problems with authority", unless you're a fucking sheep?
How is the alternative a healthy thing?
How is it?
I just can't see it.
You should always question authority, and when you find them doing wrong, expose and despise them.
These are people you allow to be in charge of your fucking life, their decisions decide your future, and could even fucking KILL you!
Is one supposed to "trust in those who know best"??
I don't see much of that going on lately.
The whole "know best", deal.
Washington is occupied by fuckups and dipshits.
The military, state government, business, all fuckups, dipshits, scumbags, and dimwits.
Demonstrably so.
News story after news story proves it.
Failure down to the quarks of reality.
But "problems with authority", is still bad somehow.
I think it's just common fucking sense.
What, if I despise the whole idea of hierarchy, I break the clockworks of society, or something? Honestly, I really don't get this.
It's like an alien planet to me.
And the update...
March 26th, 2020
People have a problem when you have a problem with authority that they like.
Trump has destroyed the world, but the MAGA cultists hate you for pointing it out.
I'm sure there's a liberal counter-example, but the end of the world has clogged my memory gears.
The liberals who got sucked into the anti-SJW alt-right scene.
Dusty Smith spoke up against their cult, and damned near got destroyed.
Gloomy motivation vs Madison Avenue.
March 28th, 2013
I may seem like a glum person to some of you, but, I actually consider myself to be a MOTIVATIONAL writer.
I figure, if I can make you see that life in this country is an open sewer that isn't worth living, that the human race in its current state has nothing to hold its head up about, and needs to flinch with shame from human eye contact, and its own reflection, and if I can saturate your every cell with a despair as cold as liquid nitrogen....then MAYBE you'll metabolize that into anger, and channel that anger into rebuilding this dumbshit society into something worthwile, and then we can all really hold our heads up, instead of having this phony undeserved pride that Madison Avenue tries to inject us with. ""America is great...because we say so".
"Americans are great...because we say so".
"We're the best in the world...because we say so".
Wrong, sorry.
Telling yourself you're great when you're not is the opposite of motivating.
It makes you sit on your ass harder.
America, you're a load of spineless consumerist sellouts who fink on each other in a heartbeat for the price of some french fries, and 8 minutes of Youtube fame.
Feel it.
Feel it deep inside.
Feel the sting.
Let it burn in there.
In your blood.
There we go.
Theeeere we go.
Apparently, it took a viral apocalypse to motivate the complacent idiots.
Who knew?
Missing normal commercials.
March 30th, 2020
You know what I never thought I'd miss?
Normal commercials.
When even the truck commercials and Burger King commercials say "in these difficult times", you know we're in a river of shit.
The history of Google Plus.
April 5th, 2014
So, here's the summary of my conversation with Google over the last couple years.
"Do you want to join Google Plus?".
"Do you want to join Google Plus?".
"Do you want to join Google Plus?".
"Fuck you, you're on Google Plus".
"Do you want to merge your Google and Youtube accounts, and post under your real name?".
"Do you want to merge your Google and Youtube accounts, and post under your real name?".
No, stop asking.
"Click here to merge your Google and Youtube accounts, and post under your real name!".
No, cut it out.
"Fuck you, we merged your accounts".
And the update..
April 5th, 2017
Next step is "do you want us to sell your browser history to the Russian mafia?".
"Fuck you, we did it".
And the other update..
April 5th, 2020
And then, after all that, it ended with "Haha! Sorry! Google Plus sucked, it's gone! Bye!".
If only getting rid of the GOP were that easy.
Our spam e-mail president!
April 8th, 2013
A HERPES cure in my spambox this fine afternoon.
That's a new one!
I was skeptical of the diabetes ones, but, wow, HERPES!
Move over, cancer cure!
What it must be like to be a spam writer.
I mean, I know a bot shits them out, but a human somewhere has to create the original mail.
I have my rotten days of genuinely thinking "fuck everyone, kill everyone, burn it all", but even in that depressive state, I wouldn't try to make people believe in a fake herpes cure.
That's a level of depraved psychopathy I just can't get to.
And the update...
April 8th, 2020
And now we have a president that spams the real news with a fake covid cure!
How far we've come!
Such progress!
And, that's all of those!
Now, to let the buckets refill again!
See you next time!
Previously with SFF-
Weird/humor/musing stuff, Part 6. (SFF #47)
Quick News: Rings, Hell, Shadow, Acquisitions, Us
18 hours ago
1 comment:
Oh! I remember what I was comparing safety seals to!
The founders wrote guns into the Constitution, and now we actually have to argue over whether kids getting shot in schools is acceptable losses for an immaterial greater good.
But, it doesn't even go back to the founders.
"Militia", meant and means fucking militia.
It doesn't mean Joe Bob Billy Frank wanting a Glock to kill his ex-girlfriend.
That shit was done by a corrupted Supreme Court 50-60 years ago.
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