This time, it's a superhero one.
"Doomed: The Untold Story Of Roger Corman's Fantastic Four".
They're in the earliest crowd-funding stages right now.
I found out about it at Red Letter Media, they just reviewed the Corman FF, and actually kind of dug it.
Onto the list it goes!
Quick News: Rings, Hell, Shadow, Acquisitions, Us
19 hours ago
Hey, if I'm gonna watch "Best Worst Movie," might as well see this one too.
I hope it's better than "Hotel Torgo."
I was not aware of "Hotel Torgo".
"Hotel Torgo" is a crappy hacked together 25 minute long special feature tacked onto the MST3K special edition DVD (2-discs) of "Manos the Hands of Fate." It basically interviews one guy (the guy who was making out with the girl) who is now really fat and hairy and old and cusses a lot, and shows them some locations, and the whole thing farts around a lot and is over and that's it.
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