AAAA verryy merry unpocalypse! To me? To you!!
A very merry unpocalypse to you!!
...and this..
...and also, this...
...and some of this..
...and a bit of this.
Quick News: Rings, Hell, Shadow, Acquisitions, Us
19 hours ago
(Q from the primordial ooze scene in "all good things")
Closer...and closer...and CLOSER...awwww, nothing happened.
I am the owner of the blog Tea Fuelled Madness and I fully approve of the Tea pot being used by the Mad Hatter!
Apocalypse was crap, not even a fart from Jebus.
My friend Kev reckons Buffy the Vampire Slayer prevented it.
I wonder if Camping will use that excuse - it would be a good one! :D
Shouldn't that be "A very merry unpocalypse!"?
Well, yeah, but then that woulda spoiled the ending.
Oh, what the hey, now that it's un-happened, I'll retcon the sucker...
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