Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Even more celebrity shitlist

Damn, thought this would take another month, but these filled right back up in just 2 days.

-Michael Crichton (climate denier, misogynist. But he's dead, so it's all good now)
-Elon Musk (goddamned Nazi, still has some of the left hoodwinked)
-Jenny McCarthy (anti-vax mass-murderer)
-Oprah (loosed Dr. Phil and Dr. Oz on the world, platformed Deepak Chopra)
-Adam Corolla (Joe Rogan butt-buddy, homophobe, transphobe, misogynist, platforms Ben Shapiro, cries about SJWs and "cancel culture", total CHUD now)
-Louis CK (already on the pervert pile, but has become a CHUD in his comedy ever since)
-Artie Lange (bigoted knucklehead)

Y'know, basically that whole dumbass dude-bro clique of asshole comedians has taken their Klan masks off.

And while I'm at it....

-Andrew Dice Clay (long overdue. My bad. Young dumb 80's me found his homophobia and misogyny acceptable. With his AIDS-phoba bullshit, that was the last thing the LGBT community needed. Especially in the late-80's-early-90's where stirring up bigots could get them killed. MTV was right to ban his ass, and I hate MTV. Bill Hicks was right, Republican Redd Foxx.)


B. D. said...

Wouldn't Jenny be COMPLETELY forgotten by now if it weren't for the antivaxx thing? Does anyone even remember, or look up, the shit she did in the 90s?

Louis CK depresses the hell out of me.

Andrew Dice Clay precluded the South Park Republican mentality in the worst way. You hated him but then hated yourself because hating him felt uncool and wrong, like you were admitting that you were a crybaby wimp by hating him. And of course he always hid behind saying it was all a character and not who he actually was...
...anyway I listened to his two hour performance art piece The Day The Laughter Died--supposedly the most uncomfortable thing he ever did--and got bored. So don't say I did not give him a fair chance...

Diacanu said...

Nothing I can add to any of that but a nod of agreement.

Except to say, Joe Rogan LOVES "The Day The Laughter Died", so I listened to it on his recommendation (this was earlier days before I knew he was a CHUD), and....holy fuck, worst thing I've ever sat through.
Worse than any of the shitty movies I've reviewed here.

B. D. said...

Has there ever been a Playboy bunny or playmate or whatever that didn't have a sell-by date? Does anyone remember the ones from the 60s, 70s, 80s all that well?

This is where I heard about "The Day The Laughter Died":

I thought it would be at least interesting as a sort of document or artifact or something but by the time he was muttering "Hour. BACK. GET IT?!?!?" for the umpteenth time I really just thought it was crap.

There were rumors that I can't find any evidence of that he was in the running to play Mike on "Breaking Bad," I hope those rumors are false!

Last I saw of him was in Woody Allen's "Blue Jasmine," and now that Woody's reputation is torpedoed...

Diacanu said...

Well, I've strained my brain for 4 days, and the playmate that got the furthest along in showbiz was Pam Anderson.

Anyway, another sequel.

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