Sunday, September 13, 2020

Star Trek Discovery (belated review)

I've reviewed Picard season 1, Lower Decks season 1 will wrap up in just 4 weeks, and Discovery season 3 drops right after that, so may as well fill in the holes, and go back for early Discovery.

Season 1 (2017-2018)

A prequel set 10 years before TOS.

People hate this season for some reason.
I dig it quite a bit.
I don't get peoples problem.
I mean, I get CHUD troll's dog-whistle outrage over a black female protagonist, and the engineer and doctor being a gay couple, and all that shit.

I don't get real liberal Trekkies not liking it.
It's got all the Trek stuff you could ever like.
...yeah, but there's nitpicky stuff with the Klingons, and Trekkies love to nitpick.
Whatever, I loved it.

Anyway, the season bad guys were a mix of the Klingons, and the mirror universe.
And the captain turned out to be a mirror copy.
Hey, you should have seen it by now.

Michael Burnham is Spock's adopted human step-sister we never heard about.
But we never heard about Sybok until Star Trek 5.
And Kirk didn't know Spock's parents were Sarek and Amanda until he met them.
So, Spock always kept things secret.
No biggie.
But it is for canon whiners.
Oh well, sucks to be them.

And the Discovery has a top secret engine that can zip you anywhere in the universe.
Season 2 resolves why we never heard of it in the other shows.

This show is the first to break the "the captain is the protagonist", rule, and Lower Decks continues to break it, so instead of going by captains, we now go by protagonist, and it's...

Kirk, Picard, Sisko, Janeway, Archer, Burnham, Picard, Mariner.

Season 2 (2019)

The one with Pike as captain.
And Spock and Number One show up too.

Season baddies are Section 31, and Skynet on steroids called Control.

A living planetoid downloads its mind into Discovery's computer just before it dies, and Control wants it, and Section 31 wants it because Control wants it.

If Control gets it, the universe gets Galactus-ed, and Kirk, Picard, Sisko, Janeway, and Mariner get erased.

I mean, obviously they don't, cuz the shows exist, so Burnham and Pike win.
But how, dear reader, how!?!

Well, the trailer for season 3 spoils it, so I'll just come out and say it, they timewarp Discovery 900+ years in the future.

So, starting season 3, Discovery ain't a prequel anymore.
But, no matter, the prequel torch is passed to Pike anyway.

CHUDs still hate this one, but everyone else loves it.
Even non-CHUD haters of season 1.
I already liked season 1, so I just liked this one even better.
And I'm really excited for season 3.

So, there, that's Discovery.
Stay tuned for Lower Decks.

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