Stuff from Facebook #44.
Post 31 away from 3000 posts!
Like I said last time, they refill quick!
The cycle of abuse.
March 10, 2014
Grim thought of the day:
Ever sit and wonder how many victims of elder abuse used to dispense child abuse when they were younger?
I sure do.
Now you will too.
Dave's Old Porn.
March 10, 2013
"Dave's Old Porn", with Dave Attell makes me misty eyed.
Can't wait for the DVD release.
I was hopping around in my chair squealing like a schoolgirl going "OMG!! I've seen that one!
Dave and Kathy Griffin are appreciating my favorites along with me!".
It's MST3K for perverts.
I'm so happy.
Thank you, Dave.
Fat person hunger.
March 12, 2014
You skinny folk out there will never understand a fat person's hunger.
It' really is like the hunger of a zombie.
I had steak, potato, and salad for supper, and stopped, ONLY because the food has to make it 'til the end of the week.
ONLY reason.
If there were more, I would fucking eat it.
I could keep going right now.
I could tear into a fucking cow, and have room for cake.
No, it's worse than being a zombie, it's a zombie with a couple vampires stacked on.
You just don't understand.
Million dollar idea.
March 13, 2017
I've finally clicked to the realization that (at least in fiction writing) there's no such thing as "a million dollar idea".
Harry Potter wasn't a magic lottery ticket that could land in anyone's lap, it was a million dollar idea for J.K. Rowling.
What there really is, is the idea that resonates for you that you can commit your creative energies to. J.K. poured all that work into Harry Potter, because that world and set of characters spoke to her. And, she had the talent to execute it properly.
But, even that can be dissected down to resonance and commitment.
So, lose the idea that there's a "right", or "perfect", idea.
That'll put you in paralysis.
Find the idea that's fun for you to write without being a slog.
If it's a slog, you're probably being pretentious, and/or writing for someone else, and not you.
Murder board.
March 13, 2013
Okay, here's a movie trope I'm getting sick of.
Whenever there's either a detective, or an evil conspirator, there's always that fucking shot of their giant cork board coated with photos, and yellowed news clippings, and the people in the photos and clippings are sometimes connected with colored strands of yarn, and it's this ugly mess, and the papers have stains on them.
They're often tacking and staining precious original copies of things.
And then, on top of that, the person has a fucking computer.
For fuck sakes, scan all that shit, and organize it properly.
Use a spreadsheet.
Make some folders.
Get a system.
I know, I know, it's a lazy way to dispense information to the audience, but the digital age is making this scene ridiculous.
Think of something else.
And the update...
March 13, 2018
Riverdale goofed on this trope by calling it "a murder board", now everyone does.
Spring rain!!
March 14, 2014
I think I have a positive allergy to Dial's Spring Water soap.
The one in the blue package.
Seriously, I think it goes through my skin, and effects me.
My mind races like the fucking Flash, and I feel like I could beat up the ocean.
I have to make sure this soap keeps coming.
Yellow Dial will depress me again.
The covid19 hoarders must have gotten word somehow, they're only leaving behind yellow Dial.
Cat and dog people.
March 17, 2014
Y'know, I can get people who like dogs over cats, and cats over dogs, but I don't get people who HATE whatever the other one is.
You tend to get it more with dog people.
Dog people tend to HATE cats.
Like, some even want to see them hurt.
You even see it trickle into media, with movies where it's humorous to hurt and kill cats.
I don't fucking get it.
A lifeform that's done you no harm, and you want it to suffer.
I think it bespeaks a deep insecurity.
That's all it can possibly be.
I'm no big dog fan, I'm introverted, I don't want anything slobbering all over me, but I don't want to HURT the fucking dog, it's just being a dog.
I'd really like to know the deep nuts and bolts of what that's all about.
Poltergeist remake.
March 19, 2015
At first, I was outraged at the "Poltergeist", remake, until I remembered, the original was a ripoff of a "Twilight Zone", episode, which itself was re-ripped off as a Simpsons Halloween episode.
So...okay, fuck it. Bring it on.
Eh, I think the remake did okay financially, but it didn't leave much of a cultural imprint.
It got forgotten pretty quick.
Black moods.
March 19, 2015
Y'know, in hindsight, if in the 90's school shootings had taken off in a BIG way, and every single high school had a shooting at the exact same time, and wiped out all of generation X, and prevented generation Y and Z, and the boomers and WWII-ers all died off, and America just ended with a whimper, and the Mexicans and Canadians came in and moved into everyone's houses for free....I'm having a hard time seeing that as a bad thing.
Or, maybe I'm just in one of my black moods.
Well, coronavirus is gonna chew away the population pretty well.
So...there's that, depressed past-me.
Whiny bitch villains.
March 22, 2013
Y'know, every superhero story, and/or action film, has a defeated bad guy all like "argh!! Curse you Plasma Man!! I'll get you next time! Hahahaa!", or some horseshit, but....I've never seen a real villain act that way.
Never seen ANYONE act that way.
When you brutalize and humiliate a villain, and break a villains power, they become victims.
There's a lot of whining, and crying, and "how could this happen to me?", and "What did I do to deserve this?", and "you big meanie, everything was wonderful, and you ruined it!", and just this big vomit-cloud of self-justification, and kvetching.
I'm gonna have to put a lot of that into Jade-Shade methinks.
That, and pitiful crying-for-your-mama "Saving Private Ryan", deaths.
That's what really happens.
And the update...
March 22, 2020
This is why Punisher always goes for the head shot.
Saves a lot of irritation.
Brain code.
March 21, 2016
(Reacting to an article titled "What is consciousness, and why do we have it?")
I can tell you what it isn't.
An invisible spook that survives death.
If it existed, it would be measurable, because it's supposed to pack the power to animate your body.
And if it were measurable, you could make a counter-agent, and then you could imprison it.
And if you could imprison it, you could flush it into other bodies, and cure death.
And if it were the cure for death, Phizer and IBM would be teaming up on that shit, because it would make them the first trillionaires.
And if you think big business doesn't want more money, you need to be put into a padded cell.
Big business doesn't believe in it, the same way nobody believes in it.
Cuz you all cry at funerals.
Your deepest instinct knows that dead is dead.
Your true self foils your bullshit.
So, invisible spooks out of the way, it's brain programming.
And it's not going to be hard programming either, it's going to turn out that virus and malware programmers make more sophisticated shit than our consciousness.
Because you've got to figure, we all decompress from our genes.
That sperm and egg has everything in it.
There's no way that something that comes from a sploodge through a broken rubber has a transwarp tachyon brain with unsolvable code.
Only fevered pride tells anyone different.
Get over yourselves, human race.
March 12, 2020
Everyone's dead.
Everyone's already dead.
They just don't know it.
The teensy percent who survive the virus will wish they hadn't once the Dow hits zero.
When the economy collapses, it'll take civilization with it.
Every man, woman, and child will die.
Here's the death that awaits you.
Probably murder for your goods.
And it'll probably get a little rapey before they finally let you die.
The armed will hold out for awhile, but bullets are finite, and wave after wave of hungry gangs will just keep coming and coming until the ammo runs out.
They'll march into your weapon fire until they get through.
They won' be human anymore, fear won't work.
Nothing will work.
Nothing you ever hung your hopes on will work.
If you go on the run like the guy and his kid from "The Road", that'll buy you a little time.
But then starvation will get you.
Your ribs will pop out, your eyes will sink in, your limbs will go all bony, and soon, your body will have eaten itself to the point there's nothing left to keep you going.
The pain in your stomach will be indescribable.
And then, when you finally die, the flies and maggots will get to your corpse.
A swarm of bottle-flies will split your skull.
And they'll carry away your skeleton across the moon like Elliot and ET on the bike.
Skeletons across the moon will be a common sight in the new world of horrors.
Rape gangs with laugh and cheer as they swig your liquor cabinet.
There is no hope.
Absolutely none.
Let's talk about suicide!!
I recommend everyone run to the bookstores, and buy up every copy of "Final Exit", and distribute it to family, friends, and neighbors.
They'll need it.
We'll see how close my predictions were next year!!
And there's that batch!
See you next time!
Previously with SFF-
Liars and cowards, Part 5.. (SFF #43)
Quick News: Rings, Hell, Shadow, Acquisitions, Us
19 hours ago
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