Stuff from Facebook #43.
Post 41 away from 3000 posts!
They refill quick!
Here we go again!
Homophobic dysmorphia.
February 14, 2020
Homophobia is a helluva thing.
It's like body dysmorphia, where no matter how much you starve yourself away to a skeleton, you still see a fat person in the mirror.
Except for homophobes, it's WORLD dysmorphia.
They think if they accidentally think a gay thought for a nanosecond, God will blow them up with a lightning bolt.
And that to merely refrain from being a bigot and a bully against LGBT people will also get the lightning bolt.
IN SPITE OF that God sits idly by while millions of kids are diddled by clergy every second of every day.
They can't see the actual world they're existing in.
It's the fat person in the mirror for them.
Gun-nut bullshit Part 3. (Part 1 here, Part 2 here)
February 18, 2016
Look, 2nd Amendment supporters, the only argument you need, and the only one you should really use, is "I like guns, and I'm not doing any harm, leave me be".
The "topple a tyrannical government", shit doesn't fly, because 1. drones 2. that isn't the reason it was put in place, it was so slave owners could put down a revolt.
The "good guys with guns stop bad guys with guns", argument doesn't fly, because most people killed by guns are killed by guns in the home.
Cases of crimes stopped by a private gun owner are really fucking rare.
More often you end up with a Trayvon Martin situation.
And if shooting criminals lowered crime, places where gang members kill each other should be utopia by now.
They're hellholes.
Seething hellholes.
Rotting oozing seething hellholes.
I'm just saying, the bad arguments don't help. Stick to "I like guns".
Dream child, defect child.
February 22, 2018
I look back at my time in special ed, and Sweetser, and all the sadistic psychological manipulation, emotional torture, and outright bullying they employed, and I think I finally know why.
I used to always think it was to get their rocks off, and get a power trip, and fuck yeah, that's a big part of it, it always is.
But for people to think that's moral, they had to have an erroneous belief in place, and I think I know what that belief was.
That kids with emotional problems are faking it for attention, and if they just get abused enough, the "fun", will go out of "the game", and they'll magically snap out of "the act", and turn into good little robot children.
They had no compunction hurting "weird Mike", because "good Mike", was under there bawling to be let out.
I'm dead certain this is what they sold my parents on too.
I could have told them.
"Good Mike", never existed.
"Weird Mike", WAS "good Mike".
Just fucking accept him.
He's not going to be a doctor or a Navy hero like your friends fucking kids.
Not too coincidentally, this is the same mentality employed by gay conversion camps, and anti-vax people.
Your dream child is underneath this defective child, and the defect can be cut away.
Playing nice for dead bigots.
February 22, 2018
"Even if you didn't agree with all his beliefs...", is code for "he was a fucking bigot, but we're being nice because he's dead, because we're vaguely superstitious".
I've even seen liberals do this.
Fucking stop it.
You gonna do "even if you didn't always agree with him..", when Trump dies?
Fuck no, you ain't.
You're gonna be standing next to me peeing along with me.
Knock that shit the fuck off.
Who do you think you're impressing?
It ain't the other side, they hate you anyway.
And the update.
February 22, 2020
Even more relevant with Rush's death clock ticking down.
Evil people can't say their shit out loud.
February 25, 2018
Y'know, if your beliefs can't stand the test of being spoken aloud on camera, or to the face of your opponent, or both, your beliefs are fucking evil.
Assholes trying to twist Black Panther into being racist against whites, they can't say that shit to a small black child on video without looking like absolute trash.
They say it on social media.
None of these Republican scum saying shit about teenage shooting survivors dare say it to their faces.
They say it on Twitter.
None of these assholes whining about Wonder Woman, or Rey, or Admiral Holdo, or Rose, dare say it to a little girl on camera.
They say it on Twitter.
They're fucking cowards.
Always remember that.
And always call them out on it that way.
Tell them to say it to someone's face.
They can't.
They CAN'T.
My beliefs don't have this flaw.
I'd GLADLY tell Trump to his face he's Putin's cum dumpster.
In those words.
Get me the platform.
Youtube that shit.
I'd gladly ask Wayne LaPierre if the guns keep the screaming children's ghosts away.
Hook me up with that, and Youtube it.
I got no problem sleeping at night after that happens.
All the internet warriors on the right?
They can't say that.
There's a conscience problem with their bullshit.
And a courage problem.
Funny how that happens.
How to be an absolute mess.
March 11, 2014
Here's how to end up a suicide at 30, or a liver cancer patient at 50.
Care what people think about you.
Especially people that hurt you.
Live up to standards your heart doesn't agree with.
Seek the acceptance of people you hate.
Parrot their values.
Especially the ones you know in your deepest sense of reason not to be true.
Bury your true feelings under wave after wave of fear and guilt.
Watch as much television as possible.
And FM radio.
Be a gossip. Then worry about being gossiped about.
Blame yourself. For everything.
Be really hard on yourself.
Be a team player.
Go with the flow.
Let others think for you.
View the world in terms of "winners", and "losers".
Torment yourself whenever you see the needle on your social gauge dip over towards the latter even a little.
Keep up with the Joneses.
Covet. A lot.
Be self conscious.
Did I mention care what people think?
Good, because do.
Be jealous and possessive in relationships.
Add drugs and alcohol to this mix whenever possible.
That really makes things interesting.
And most of all, set your highest standard towards "society", because boy, if there's an entity that really has it all figured out, its "society".
Follow these simple rules, and you can live the dream of being a gibbering twitching neurotic wreck.
New Popes.
March 11, 2013
Why does anyone give a shit about who's going to be fuggin' Pope?
It's just gonna be another shriveled old white bigot.
It's not gonna be like "oh WOW! Angelina Jolie is Pope! Life will never be bad ever again! I'm so excited!!".
No, it's not gonna be the slightest bit like that.
Simmer the fuck down.
Blowing the lid off "blowing the lid off".
March 12, 2013
I'm half-listening to this pope shit off the TV in the next room, and I'm thinking about all the scandals, and atrocities, and horrors of the past, and how Chris Hitchens wrote a whole book exposing Mother Teresa as phony and evil....and it occurs to can't "blow the lid off", anything anymore.
There's no such thing as "blow the lid off".
No one cares.
If you exposed Watergate today, people would shrug, and go play fuckin' Angry Birds.
And the update...
March 12, 2017
Trump has had 50 lids blown off, and his fanboys/fangirls didn't even twitch.
And the newer update...
March 12, 2020
Yeah, yeah, I predicted Trump yet again.
But Trump isn't new.
Iran/Contra was worse treason than Watergate, and no one cared then.
It started right away.
The apathy and defeat started right the fuck immediately.
Plenty of money for NASA.
March 12, 2018
I've been hearing "we're going to Mars in the next 20 years!!", since I've been old enough to talk.
No we aren't.
Not until 2 things happen.
And they both require cantaloupe sized balls.
1. We nationalize the weapon's industry, and seize all the profits those pigs have been sitting on like a dragon with his horde.
2. We actually enforce the fucking Johnson Amendment, and rip tax exempt status away from all these fucking churches that endorsed Republicans, which is fucking most of them.
That's trillions of dollars these pigfuckers have been sucking out of society for decades.
And there's your NASA money for a moon base, a mars ship, a Europa probe, a whole web of planet finding space telescopes, and Space Station 2.0.
It's all right there.
Just take it.
We militarily heist other countries for way less.
And the update...
March 12, 2020
Yep. When it comes to space, I'm prepared to go full Commie.
Every nightmare the NRA ever had, I'd do it.
Coronavirus/we're fucking doomed.
March 11, 2020
Whelp, we're up to a 1000 cases.
When it gets up to 2000, we're doomed.
According to the exponential numbers (Facebook friend) shared.
So, if you had plans past April, kiss those goodbye.
Even if the bug doesn't get you, the collapse of civilization will.
I'm not a fucking prepper, so I'm gonna be dead.
I dunno how long I'll stay on as the death comes.
Until the electricity goes, I guess.
This counted as "liars and cowards", because the dipshit media was trying to soothe everyone with bullshit, but the scientists knew better.
Now they're all but admitting it's the end of the world.
Yep, it was a good run.
I had a lot more to do, but them's the breaks.
Previously with SFF-
Weird/humor/musing stuff, Part 4. (SFF #42)
Quick News: Rings, Hell, Shadow, Acquisitions, Us
19 hours ago
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