And in hindsight, I don't miss 'em.
Good riddance.
July 24, 2016
I hate stupid, but I hate stupid even more when it's coupled with self-righteousness.
And sorry, folks, but I'm not talking about right-wingers, and Jesus-freaks for a change. I'm talking Bernie-or-busters and anyone-but-Hillary people.
Trump has as his platform that he's going to hurt immigrants, and LGBTQ people.
He's said it in his words, he's said it in his actions by picking Mike Pence.
He couldn't be more clear.
You either know someone in those groups, or know someone who knows someone.
Unless you're in a cult commune, it's not six fucking degrees away from you.
Someone in your life that you care about is affected by these issues.
Bernie has thrown in with Hillary. It's over. Know when you're beat.
Not knowing when you're beat isn't about morals, it's about pride.
And if you're willing to let people you love get hurt over your idiot pride, you're not moral, you're scum. You're fucking scum.
You don't get to say "yeah, but Hillary did this, and Hillary did that", because anything she is, you're worse.
You're fucking worse.
You're not better.
You're WORSE.
Grasp that.
Hero time is over.
Fairy tale time is over.
You have a stinky but clear grownup choice to make.
Abstaining from it is a vote for Trump.
Playing with your vote is a vote for Trump.
Wake the fuck up.
Always remember, your "moderate", "friends", cared more about their fee-fees than human rights when it really mattered.
Never forget.
Cuz they hope you will.
It's the only gambit they have.
Cuz they ain't ever gonna apologize, or try to fix it.
Don't wait for it.
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