Part 1 (comic book films).
And this is the second part, the top 15 horror films of the 2010's.
And it's basically all of them I got out and saw.
It would have been 20 if I saw more...
1. IT: Chapter One
King adaptations dominate this list.
As well they should.
2. Doctor Sleep
3. IT: Chapter Two
Double ditto.
Plus, what I said in the 2019 review.
4. Evil Dead (2013)
This was damned good.
I heard some reviewers say "Cabin In The Woods", rendered this pointless.
I don't agree.
I think there's room for both.
"The Rise Of Leslie Vernon", deconstructs slashers, but I can still go back, and watch Freddy and Jason movies.
I can still watch the Romero zombie movies after "Shaun Of The Dead", and "Zombieland".
It doesn't have to be one over the other.
5. Zombieland: Double Tap
Speaking of Zombieland....
6. Prometheus
I said it here, at least it was trying something.
7. Venom
The one and only comic book crossover.
8. Alien Covenant
Mostly stinky, but the arc of the android brothers kinda elevates it a bit.
Fassbender's acting is really great in this.
9. The Human Centipede 2 [Full Sequence]
As with Prometheus, hey, at least Tom Six was trying something new.
Ridley Scott was trying to say something existential and deep, but Six was just trying to shake up horror out of its boring rut with some crazy, shocking, wacky stuff.
Few heard his wake-up call.
It's why they're rehashing Stephen King.
He's the last guy they can remember ever being creative.
10. The Human Centipede 3 [Final Sequence]
Mostly what I said above about part 2.
I'd only add, it's a shame Six during and after this one kind of decided to mold his public persona into a sort of bad-guy wrestler Uwe Boll kind of deal where it's hard to like the guy.
I re-watched the films, and they hold up as some crazy wild stuff made by a talented guy.
He could be a respected filmmaker if he stopped it with the Andy Kaufman shtick.
11. Brightburn
I said it in the 2019 review, it's a one-watcher.
Yeah, this uses comic book tropes, but it's not adapted from an actual comic book, so my comment on Venom stands.
12. Halloween (2018)
Said it in the 2018 winter review, you pretty much have to be ga-ga for this franchise to give a shit.
I thought it was just so-so.
Still better than everything since part 4.
13. Pet Sematary
King movies adorn the top and bottom of this list!
14. The Dark Tower
15. Godzilla
And that was the decade in horror films.
According to my tastes.
And what I saw at theaters.
I saw way more than this, but I gotta stick to the rules.
Your list will no doubt be different.
Up next, Part 3, the top 10 comedy movies!
“The Studio” Draws Strong Early Reviews
1 hour ago
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