Saturday, December 21, 2019

Big winter 2019 movies recap.


Yeah, I'm abandoning the format of the picture lineup, then the text lineup.
I'm putting the text and pictures together from now on.
It's easier for the reader, IMHO.
You're free to disagree in comments.

So, here we go....

1. Joker 

Best movie I saw all year.
Spoilers for where it is on the overall 2019 list.

2. The Rise Of Skywalker 

Star Wars always gets high spots on my lists.
The previous four made it to number one, but Joker was that fucking good.

3. Doctor Sleep 

I said I'd have it high on my list, and so it is.

4. IT: Chapter Two 

Not as good as Chapter One, but still pretty damned good.

5. Terminator: Dark Fate 

Fun, but unnecessary, but necessary to fix the damage of 3-5, but unnecessary in that you can just de-canon-ize 3-5, and stick to 1-2. But...y'know what? It's just fun to have Linda Hamilton and Arnold back together. And isn't that the real point (besides money) to do any sequel, to have our old friends back for a little while? Speaking of....

6. Zombieland: Double Tap 

Probably didn't need to see it at the theater, but I'm glad I did.

Yeah, nothing was bad in this batch, just slightly less awesome.
I didn't see a lot though.
But, if I had it to do it over for summer, I probably would have skipped 7-9, and seen Endgame a couple more times, and seen Brightburn on home video.

So, maybe I'm just getting better at picking.


Up next, all of 2019 in review, and then in February, Birds Of Prey!

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