There. The last one was long enough; I didn't think it would be fair to squoosh this in as an afterthought. So, it gets its own post.
Blood In The Holler (2023)
I said second-to-last time...
Much as I'd like to jump right into this one, I think its best slot would be as a palette cleanser between Hainish and Earthsea.
So, stay tuned for that too.
Here we are!
Well, I actually read this first, then the Hainish-es; but I'm reviewing it between Hainish and Earthsea.
So, it all came together just right. 😉
A group of wrestlers are kidnapped by evil rednecks.
Hijinks ensue!
Even that feels too spoiler-y, but, Hell with it, it's on the back cover.
Never get taken to the secondary crime scene.
Colorful characters with snarky "Stand By Me" flavored narration.
I can practically hear Richard Dreyfuss describing things.😏
Y'know, this would do well adapted into an indie movie.
This has 90's comedy/thriller/horror written all over it.
I can picture taping it off Showtime.
Or, buying it at Shady Dave's.
Ah, those were the days....
Also, I read this alongside TCM doing a noir marathon, and Dave's totally following in the footsteps of noir. All the noir tricks and tropes are there.
Recommended as a pure fun time.
Something to keep your brain from eating itself in a waiting room.
Good job, Dave. 😎👍
1 comment:
The 80s at their finerst!!
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