Thursday, February 20, 2025

Christmas loot 2024, Part 3.5.

There. The last one was long enough; I didn't think it would be fair to squoosh this in as an afterthought. So, it gets its own post.

Blood In The Holler (2023)

Much as I'd like to jump right into this one, I think its best slot would be as a palette cleanser between Hainish and Earthsea.
So, stay tuned for that too.

Here we are!
Well, I actually read this first, then the Hainish-es; but I'm reviewing it between Hainish and Earthsea.
So, it all came together just right. 😉

A group of wrestlers are kidnapped by evil rednecks.
Hijinks ensue!

Even that feels too spoiler-y, but, Hell with it, it's on the back cover.

Never get taken to the secondary crime scene.

Colorful characters with snarky "Stand By Me" flavored narration.
I can practically hear Richard Dreyfuss describing things.😏

Y'know, this would do well adapted into an indie movie.
This has 90's comedy/thriller/horror written all over it.
I can picture taping it off Showtime.
Or, buying it at Shady Dave's.
Ah, those were the days....

Also, I read this alongside TCM doing a noir marathon, and Dave's totally following in the footsteps of noir. All the noir tricks and tropes are there.

Recommended as a pure fun time.
Something to keep your brain from eating itself in a waiting room.

Good job, Dave. 😎👍

1 comment:

B. D. said...

The 80s at their finerst!!

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