New stuff.
Jerry Coyne posted a transphobic article with bullshit citations that got taken down; then Coyne, Steven Pinker, and Dawkins all resigned from the FFRF (Freedom From Religion Foundation).
The usual "free speech" whining from them that you hear from every bigot that gets hand-slapped.
Good fucking riddance.
A new study reveals gender transition rates have reached equilibrium, and that there's no "social contagion" which is barely dog-whistle for "it's a zombie plague set to conquer the world!! Argh!!".
It's insulting that we had to have a study.
The British Medical Association is pushing back against the Cass Review.
It was always a radical-right funded piece of bullshit pseudo-science meant to buy time for lawmakers to pass their bigot legislation.
You didn't have to be a Jedi or an Einstein to see it.
Funny how I smelled it in seconds.
Funny how the biologist, teacher, and architect I know had years, and couldn't suss it out.
A video featuring the blogger from the first link that touches on pretty much everything I laid out in parts 1-3 with the framing of "how the fuck did Dawkins go this crazy?".
Admit you're wrong, Larry & Alexandra.
Admit you're fucking wrong.
Admit you're fucking wrong.
Admit you're fucking wrong.
Admit you're fucking wrong.
Ad!! Mit!! You're! Fucking!! WRONG!!!
I'll retro-link this to the compilation.
Oh noes bros, Jean Marie Le Pen died!!! Western civilization is doomed.
The Pizzagate gunman also died. Turns out he couldn't stop crime-ing, and a cop finally shot him. Cops will shoot white guys, but they've really got to be aggravating.
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