Sunday, October 29, 2023

Deadpool news backlog.

Bunch of stuff about a month or two old....

Item 1.
Shawn Levy on Deadpool 3...

“Deadpool and Wolverine are iconic Marvel characters; more specifically, iconic Marvel-of-the-Fox-era characters. We’re not going to pretend: ‘Oh, we snap our fingers, and suddenly that Fox legacy doesn’t exist, and it shaped a lot of what we now know as the MCU.’

Fox also shaped Ryan’s career, Hugh’s career and my career. So there’s a lot of history there, and there’s a lot of Marvel history at Fox. And certainly that’s a part of our storytelling.”

So, yes, even the director admits Deadpool 3 is the big goodbye to the Fox-verse we didn't get to have with "Dark Phoenix" and "New Mutants".

Item 2.
Daniel Radcliffe was rumored for the longest time as either the new Wolverine, or a one-off alternate Wolverine, like John Krasinski Reed Richards.
Nope, that got shot down.
Woulda been interesting though.
But....they faked us out about Krasinski Reed and the multi-Spideys too, so......
Stay tuned...

Item 3.
Secret Wars is rumored to be a soft reboot of the multiverse that will allow them to fuse the X-Men into the MCU, and resurrect dead characters in re-casted forms.
If this bears out, it sorta-revives my "Wanda re-writes the universe" theory.
Except instead of Wanda, it's Kang, or the TVA, or the heroes stealing Kang/TVA tech, or whatever.
How does this tie to Deadpool?
Come on, he'll be there, if even just for a couple scenes cracking jokes.
Count on "Secret Wars" being the "It's A Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World" of Marvel heroes.

Item 4.
It's rumored the second end-credits scene for "The Marvels" will be Kelsey Grammer as Beast to set up Deadpool 3.

That's it.
We'll see what shakes out as real or not.

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