Pointed wooden sticks.
You get 3 guys with pointed wooden sticks to surround the guy with the forcefield, and hold the points of the sticks against the forcefield.
Then, you just wait.
10 minutes later, the guy suffocates.
Bam, done.
Think about it, if the forcefield let in air, it'd also let in the pointed sticks.
So, for the guy to breathe, it must only switch on when a projectile intercepts it.
But, your typical projectiles have a habit of falling away or bouncing off if they hit a forcefield.
Not so a pointed wooden stick.
You can just hold it there.
Plus, wood won't conduct if it's a shock forcefield.
I figured all this out when I was six.
I got fucking sick of that "I've got a forcefield!", kid.
Every group had one.
I pass this knowledge on to you, dear reader.
Use it well.
Quick News: Rings, Hell, Shadow, Acquisitions, Us
19 hours ago
Alas, you neglected to consider that the shield can be modulated such that microscopic resonant nodes form, allowing atmospheric gases to pass, yet still keeping such large wavelength objects as pointy sticks from piercing.
Star Trek technology can overcome anything if the writer needs it badly enough!
I learned that when I was 26!
Yeah, but a six year old ain't gonna be a Star Trek writer.
Nor will the inventor of the first real forcefield belt.
That first one's gonna be clunky.
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