Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Star Trek: Lower Decks- ship, and release date!

Yep, a poster just dropped, and it has everything on it.
Ship, premiere date, and tagline.

Premiere date is August 6th.
Then every Thursday for 10 episodes.

There's the USS Cerritos.

A Galaxy Class saucer with Nacelle thingies hanging under it joined by a deflector.
I was guessing bigger than Defiant, and somewhere in the range of Voyager.
Boy, was I way off.
Almost as big as Enterprise-D.

So, that's...

ENT = Enterprise
DIS = Discovery
SNW = Enterprise
TOS = Enterprise
TNG = Enterprise
DS9 = Defiant
VOY = Voyager
LD = Cerritos
PIC = La Sirena 

Now we need a trailer, the theme song, and a TV Guide cover.

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