Time to drop today's two-parter...
Conspiracy theories never find actual conspiracies.
June 2, 2017
The thing that pisses me off about the spread of conspiracy-theory thinking, is it's not USEFUL for anything.
It poses as critical thinking, but it's not.
Its a little boy putting on his daddy's shoes, and a lab coat.
Even if every conspiracy were true, CONSPIRACY THEORIZING DOESN'T GET YOU TO PROOF!!!!!!
A real conspiracy has never been stopped in its tracks by a conspiracy theory monger.
Never will be.
Don't wait for it.
Release the breath you're holding.
If conspiracy theorizing were a useful tool for uncovering the truth, it would be admissible in court.
Ask Alex Jones how his conspiracies helped him in his custody trial.
And the update..
June 2, 2020
The conspiracy twats haven't captured and citizens-arrested a single lizard person, or grey alien.
They love killing black people though.
That really placates them.
What happened to the boomers??
June 7, 2017
(After seeing a graph in a friend's wall that shows people become more delighted with a conservative candidate the older they get)
I get why the WWII generation were/are fucking stupid.
The depression, and poverty, and lack of education, and yadda, yadda.
The Boomers were supposed to be better.
WTF happened to them?
Is there some universal brain rot that sets in at 60?
If it happens to me, kill me.
Just take my head the fuck off with a shotgun.
While I'm still of sound mind, let me put that order in.
When I start buying slogans like "make America great again", and "strong and steady", and I start saying shit like "cuck", just blast me in the face with deer shot until I hamburger away.
To which a friend helpfully pointed out...
If it makes you feel better, the existence of the Alt-right proves the rot sets in far earlier for many 🙂
I was warning about capitalism.
June 19, 2018
If I went back in time, to say, the 50's-60's, and told leftist intellectuals "look, give up on Russia and Cuba, they're a fucking lie. It's all fascist oligarchy in Marxist clothing. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a total dipshit sapsucker", I would have been right, but they would have either shrugged me off with an eye-roll, or vociferously sought to undermine my reputation to make me go away.
Doesn't have to be that far back, if I just went back 5 years, and said "capitalism is a ticking time-bomb, and painted on that bomb is a swastika", I would have gotten the same reaction.
Oh, wait, I don't need the time machine, I was warning people.
Not in those exact words, but close enough.
How many more do I have to nail before I'm listened to?
Face it, it's infinite.
The stuff I see can't be sugar coated.
People will never swallow that medicine without the sugar.
Haters of modern Trek are just anti-Anita Gamergater CHUDs.
(Wordforge version)
June 19, 2020
So, I just solved a little mystery....
...I was reviewing in my mind how the crypto-fascists used Gamergate to shove their talking points into the heads of otherwise smart people, and poison Youtube...pretty much forever...
...and it occurred to me "gee, I wonder what Anita Sarkeesian is up to these days".
So I popped on over to Feminist Frequency, and guess what I saw?
She loves Discovery and Picard. 😃
Do you think the neckbeard CHUDS maybe hate those shows just to spite her??
Nahh, that couldn't be.
That would make their whole clique/movement a bunch of intellectually dishonest reactionaries.
And that can't be because....y'know, feelings and stuff.
Anyway, seriously though, that was easy to crack open, wasn't it?
And FF?
(Facebook version)
June 19, 2020
So, I just figured a thing out.
Whenever Nazi-neckbeard-CHUD Youtube is bitching about a thing in pop culture, go right on over to Feminist Frequency to see if Anita Sarkeesian likes that thing.
I bet she does.
Yep, I cracked the code.
If you know someone who parrots CHUD-tube talking points when criticizing a media product, use this trick to shut them the fuck down.
Cuz fuck 'em.
Hipster Nazis Part 2 (Part 1)
June 20, 2018
Y'know, I bet there were guys in Germany in the 40's that spouted Nazi talking points in "an ironic way".
They even wore the uniform "as a joke".
It was all just jokes.
They didn't gass anyone, they didn't pick up a rifle, it was all just an Andy Kaufman routine for them.
I bet you there were hipster Nazis.
I bet there were.
Just the laws of math.
Had to have been.
Doesn't matter though.
History throws 'em in the same bloody bushel.
Fuck hipster Nazis.
In any era.
And fuck anyone who falls for a hipster Nazis's shtick.
Trump literally can't do anything good.
June 23, 2018
Some douche challenged me to name something Trump did that I liked, or else I'm partisan.
Everything the fucker does is awful, it has nothing to do with party affiliation.
But just out of curiosity, has the sonofabitch done anything good, even by accident?
I can't think of anything.
His every move is tainted by petty assholism.
Everyone who responded pretty much went with his "Home Alone 2", cameo.
Storm Rucker/jokey racists.
Hipster Nazis Part 3.
June 23, 2020
One thing I learned the hard way from the whole Storm Rucker/Spectre/Trey Garrison thing, joke-y racists aren't joking.
They're telling you who they are.
Believe them.
Also, see "So, Storm's a Nazi.....".
Libertarians saying they're liberals.
June 27, 2017
Something I see that pops up every once and awhile, and needs to die.
Libertarians calling themselves liberals.
No, you're not, knock it the fuck off.
You're Republicans that want to smoke dope.
It won't fly with me, Chester.
Either it's a deliberate lie, or self denial, like when Elton John said he was bi on the way to being fully out as gay.
Either way, stow that bullshit.
Context: Made the mistake of watching Sargon of Akkad on Joe Rogan.
Sargon has gone full mask-off Nazi, and Rogan is a transphobe, so fuck both of those douche-rags.
Abusive parents round 2. (Round 1)
July 3, 2017
Here's my thoughts on child abuse, spurred by a headline on George Takei's feed about a teacher that killed a little girl by gluing her mouth shut.
Nothing that comes out of the mouth of a child deserves assault.
This may seem retardedly obvious, but it's the one thing child abusers get really furiously bent about.
Because it's the one thing a child can do.
They can't beat YOU the fuck up.
If you're getting bent up by the words of a child, you're deeply stunted, and unworthy of the title "adult".
Either you're so stunted, that the gibberish of a kid (ala doody-head) gets to you, OR you're so blatantly defective, that a child can size you up, and the truth hurts.
Neither one of those say good things about you.
If anything a kid says gets you into "I'll show YOU!!", mode, you lose.
You ain't showing anyone.
You fucking lose.
Hope this mouth gluing murderess loses, but justice is hard to come by these days.
She might actually get a judge that thinks "well, the little bitch should have shut up when she was told".
Well, at least we can socially shun her for the rest of her miserable rotten life.
Oh, her family will stick behind her.
I never get that.
If a relative did that to a kid, I would stop loving them.
That's a fucking monster, fuck you.
Fucking human beings wear me down.
"Deeply held".
("Religious Freedom", part 2)
July 4, 2014
So, consider this the sequel to my "religious freedom", rant.
Here's another phrase I'm getting sick of fucking hearing.
"Deeply held".
It usually goes along with "...religious convictions", but the magical part, the part the user seems to think is a force-field against consequences, is the "deeply held", part.
Who gives a FUCK if your convictions are "deeply held"???
Aren't ALL convictions "deeply held"?
That's why they're fucking convictions, and not flights of whimsy.
You know who had some deeply held religious convictions?
The 9/11 terrorists!!
Do ya care?
If you'd been on one of the planes, and they'd said "this is our deeply held religious conviction", would you have sheepishly shrunk down, and said "oh, okay, I don't want to offend your convictions"???
Fuck 'em!!
What the hell is so magical about "deeply held"??
Is it the "deeply", part?
Like, it's literally deep inside your guts where it can't be yanked loose, so you're an immovable obstacle?
That just makes it a dressed up version of "I'm an intransigent asshole", doesn't it?
That's what it is.
It's "I'm an intransigent asshole", but they want it to sound noble.
It's not.
Stop giving it the respect it never earned.
I'm talking to you, dipshit politicians, and lapdog media.
Wake the fuck up, and tear this horseshit down.
Ask some fucking followup questions, instead of nodding like a string puppet.
Next for part two, more of these.
Quick News: Rings, Hell, Shadow, Acquisitions, Us
19 hours ago
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