Stuff from Facebook #30.
Another topic series.
Still chipping away at that backlog notepad.
This is a quickie with only two parts, so I figured I'd plow through it, and get it over with.
Billionaires are hoarders.
November 17, 2019
If someone hoards newspapers, baby shoes, or piles of their own excrement, we call them crazy, and want them put away in rest homes to be looked after by nurses and orderlies.
If they hoard more money than they can ever live to spend, and leave behind a world where people become homeless over a big dental bill, our society makes a TV show about their awesome house. No, it's time to march in the intervention shrink just like the shit hoarder, and the dead cat hoarder.
Religions are Pacman.
December 3, 2018
"The war on Christmas", isn't hard to understand once you understand one thing.
Every religion wants to gobble up the whole world.
And as crazy as that sounds at first glance, it makes total sense when you use simple reasoning, and think about what a greedy act creating a religion is in the first place.
Wanting to keep people in line in large masses.
Wanting a skim of everyone's money.
Wanting a little of everyone's land to put your clubhouses.
Wanting to be exempt from secular law.
First with taxes...and then a little more.
Religions are greedy, greedy things.
They're corporations with even less accountability.
No wonder the Republicans want to turn churches into PACs.
Never pity a religion.
Cries of victimhood from religion are like cries of starvation from Pacman.
The NRA are fucking ghouls.
December 16, 2017
I'm trying to imagine a scenario where the NRA aren't bloodsucking villains, and this is the best I can come up with.
Like...say...we lived in a world where street crime were 10-15 times what it is, and the cops were useless, they're either striking, or dead, like in Robocop.
Now, imagine there's a guy like The Punisher.
Now imagine he inspires armies of Punishers.
And they're all perfect like the Punisher.
They only get real scumbags, they never take collateral damage, and they're not delusional redneck fatasses that washed out of basic training, and can't stand that their cocks are so tiny.
And then, one day, the Russians invade, like Red Dawn.
And the Punisher Army takes them out.
And we have a holiday built around this event in history.
And for the NRA, this is like Christmas is to fucking Macy's.
THEN I might see the NRA as noble heroes.
But, right now, crime is at an all time low, and steadily going down.
The police are told to target minorities and trailer trash.
We have mass shooting incident after mass shooting incident, each one worse than the last, and they never shoot a bad guy, it's all innocents.
And the NRA visits the president on an anniversary for one of them like fucking ghouls.
That's the Earth we live in.
Not Punisher Earth.
This Earth.
The NRA are fucking ghouls Earth.
Next up, part two of two.
Previously with SFF-
Hypocrites, Part 4. (SFF #29)
“The Studio” Draws Strong Early Reviews
2 hours ago
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