Meedyah Morsels #205.
Updates "Superheroes Three: Part 2, DC".
Got digging around in old Christmases, and found this old time capsule, and knew it needed an update.
Anyway, 7 years ago, back in the naive halcyon days of 2013, all there was for either Arrowverse, or DCEU were "Arrow", and "Man Of Steel".
Us comic geeks had no idea the journey we were embarking on.
So, for a bit of fun, and a way of reflecting on it all, I'll reply to my 2013 self...
Arrow (2012-present)
I haven't seen any of this.
It's "Smallville", all over again.
I still haven't found the time to binge "Arrow".
Dunno if I ever will.
I've seen the episodes that tie into the crossovers, of course.
And the one with Constantine.
And the one with Vixen.
And the last few that wrapped up the whole show after "Crisis".
As for Smallville, they tied that in with "Crisis".
Although, it's not the "Smallville", Green Arrow, it's a reboot.
Again, tied in with "Crisis", so the reboot is moot.
They're going to introduce Barry Allen in this, then give him a Flash spinoff.
The Barry Allen episodes are like, days away.
And then Flash led to "Legends Of Tomorrow", "Supergirl", "Black Lightning", and "Batwoman".
And "Green Arrow and the Canaries", and "Superman and Lois", are on their way.
And "Stargirl", is on Earth-2, but she ties into the whole thing.
No word on how this effects the casting of The Flash in the presumably upcoming Justice League movie after "Superman/Batman", or if the show version will crossover, or what.
Ezra Miller finally crossed over with the show during "Crisis", and I hope they show the same scene in the upcoming (and long delayed) Flash movie.
Anyway, here's DC's other TV plans.
"Gotham", a Batman prequel series with no Batman.
So, it'll be a police drama with young James Gordon, and the Gotham PD.
Some iconic villains will appear in earlier forms, but no word on who.
It ran for 5 seasons, and they showed Batman at the end.
It was a mixed bag, but okay overall.
"Constantine", and this time he'll be a blonde Brit like he's supposed to be.
No word on how this effects Guillermo Del Toro's proposed "Justice League: Dark", film.
His show lasted 1 season, but he's on "Legends Of Tomorrow", now.
Thanks to "Crisis", they can have TV Constantine jump right over to the movies without recasting him.
Cuz Matt Ryan is perfect, and they don't need to recast him.
"Hourman", about...well, in the comics, it's about a guy who takes a pill that can gives him near-Superman levels of power for an hour, but rumor is, this'll be a supernatural thriller about a guy who can see an hour into the future.
Hourman never happened.
Never gonna.
Sounds like it would have sucked.
Sounds like a rehash of that one about the soldier who could go back in time one hour to fix a catastrophic mistake.
"iZombie", based on a fairly new comic, a crime thriller about a female mortician who's a closet zombie, who when she eats a brain, gains the memories of the person, so she uses it to solve crimes. Also, eating brains makes her pass for human for awhile.
Lasted 5 seasons.
I followed along for the first season, fell behind, and have never caught up.
Probably never gonna.
It was okay.
"Preacher", all I know about this, is the creator infused the character with his own Bill Hicks fandom.
Something about he gets his powers from the Christian God, or a hippie-dippie variation thereof.
Lasted 4 seasons, and was a masterpiece.
No Bill Hicks references though.
And no, God isn't hippie-dippie, he's an outright asshole.
But he gets his just desserts.
I'm blown away that they got this on TV.
You can't even have Richard Dawkins on fucking PBS for chrissakes.
Although, the Dawk has kinda slipped off his rocker lately.
And Sam Harris is a douche.
And Hitchens is dead.
And Dan Dennett is a hermit that had to be dragged kicking into the spotlight by Dawkins.
We need a new atheist leader.
Everyone who wants the job ends up being a twat, or a Nazi.
Screw leaders, just watch "Preacher".
A live-action "Young Justice". Yep, rumors of this too.
It finally exists as "Titans", and has been on for two seasons.
Need to collect the Blu-rays.
And, for movies, there's talk of DC's B-string and C-string heroes getting two lower budget movies a year.
Eh, not so much.
Unless "Shazam", being under New Line is what they mean.
No word at all on the characters involved.
So, they're about where Marvel was in 1999-2008.
Now, I'd say they're about where Marvel was just after "Avengers".
"Justice League", should have been their Avengers, but tanked, but then "Aquaman", made a billion, so that was their "Avengers", in terms of box-office boffo.
"Joker", also raked in a billion, but that's not DCEU, that's Elseworlds.
Hopefully "Birds Of Prey", and "Wonder Woman 1984", land.
Everything's "going to", and "going to be".
All that exists right now, is "Man Of Steel", and "Arrow".
Well, DC finally got off the bench, and they're in the game now.
And thanks to "Crisis", Arrow and MoS inter-connect now as much as MCU and SHIELD ever did.
It was a slow buildup for DC, but they've figured it out now.
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