Stuff from Facebook #36.
The last of the backlog.
In three parts.
This being the first.
The backlog accumulated while I was doing all the movie news stuff, and Krazyfool, and the food stuff.
And the food stuff was its own backlog!
Anyhoo, let's get to it....
Politics in comedy.
November 19, 2018
Whenever I hear someone whine about "too much politics", in comedy, it's always someone who's fucking dumb on politics.
Here's a hint, dumbasses, everything is political.
Even the seemingly innocuous hacky "you ever notice when they hand out the airplane peanuts...", jokes can be traced back to Reagan fucking over the airline unions.
Everything in our crummy little mundane lives is because of some shitty choice some leader made.
"A-hyuck!! Pop-Tarts are a goofy food!!".
Oh, I'll say, let me tell you the horror story of the palm oil that goes into those....
Oh, why are you leaving, do facts hurt your little walnut brain?
History of television.
January 5, 2014
So, here's a summary of the 80 year history of television.
So, they invent television, and the eggheads are all excited, because this could be the greatest teaching tool mankind has ever seen.
BUT, then the robber-baron capitalist scum walked into the meeting, and were immediately like "Oboy! Oboy! We've gotta shove our dicks into this, and pump it full of our lies and bullshit!".
And so they did.
For the next 80 years, they made horrible programs full of twisted delusions, and lame superficial values, and loathsome advertisements for products nobody needed, and were oftentimes flat out harmful to the public health.
And none of it with any apology, or indeed reflection of any kind.
The people in charge were as shallow as the shows they put on.
And it kept going like this, and some good stuff got on, but it was a thin trickle, and it got on virtually by accident.
Then, some other eggheads had to bypass this, by taking 40 years to invent the internet, get it into everyone's house, improve it until it could display shows, and then make devices to put the internet into your TV.
All because the greedy Jabba swine wouldn't just get out of the way.
But the real reason it was like steering an iceberg, was because you and I wouldn't nut up, and shoot some people.
Emotional Devastator (sequel to Soundwave!!).
November 21, 2019
When I was a kid, there were these Transformers called Constructicons, they were construction vehicles that turned into robots, and then assembled into a bigger robot called Devastator.
Devastator is in the '86 animated movie, you can't miss him.
Anyhoo, it took me three goddamned months to collect all his individual pieces with my crap allowance.
Then, as soon as I fucking had him, there was a bootleg set of Constructicons pre-assembled as Devastator for 10 bucks at this ratty discount store my grandmother went to.
The only difference was the bootlegs were red with orange highlights while the originals were lime green with purple highlights.
Stupid idiot brand loyalty kept me from getting the cheap Devastator.
In hindsight, brand loyalty to Hasbro's Transformers was total bullshit, given that they just bought the rights from a Japanese company, so the "bootlegs", were probably MORE authentic if they were shipped from Japan.
Anyhoo, I still regret not getting Orange-Devastator.
I could have pretended he was Devastator's twin brother, Emotional Devastator.
Instead of using his fists, and his gun, he uses cutting insults, brutal truths, and bad family news to collapse his enemies into heaps of tears.
Death stands victorious.
November 30, 2015
If you absolutely must have a God, I recommend Death.
When you really think about it, in the hierarchy of nature, Death truly stands victorious.
Death has claimed 98% of all species.
Death will claim everyone you know, and everyone who will come after you.
Death kicked over all the annoying lousy rotten ego driven empires.
And best of all, Death even kills all the other Gods.
There are hundreds of thousands of dead Gods of dead religions that no one worships anymore.
Death got them, and in a couple hundred to a thousand years, Death is gonna get Jehovah and Allah.
It's gonna happen.
Oh, stop your indignant whining, sissy-babies.
The followers of the dead Gods thought their religion was gonna be forever too.
Death is gonna get you, your family, your God, and your little dog too.
Death is the true ruler of this universe.
And it's a pitiless God.
It can't be appealed to, it can't be bargained with.
And it's a good thing.
A universe that could be bent and twisted by the magical wishes of humans would look like a fucking Twilight Zone episode.
And a world where things didn't die would be a cluttered clusterfuck.
Death is nature's cleansing broom.
And in the end, Death is your friend.
But see, that makes you value life all the MORE to my way of thinking.
Death is the default state that wins out in the end.
Life is the freak anomaly.
That makes it precious.
Not sacred though, that' s a whole other bag of subjective bullshit people try to turn into a rule, then an ideology.
Let's not get bogged down in that horseshit.
Anyway, long way of saying, people like Al-Qaeda and ISIS who claim they worship death are liars or delusional.
Or at the very least, doing it all ass-backwards.
I think it's that "afterlife", bullshit that fucks it up.
No, death isn't more life, death is death.
That's why it's called Death.
If there were an afterlife, Death would have killed it, and you'd have seen the wreckage on the news.
And good riddance too.
Next up, part 2 of these.
Previously with SFF-
Liars and cowards, Part 4. (SFF #35)
“The Studio” Draws Strong Early Reviews
1 hour ago
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