Sunday, February 16, 2020

Sam Raimi for Dr Strange 2!

Meedyah Morsels #211.
Spidey-verse 9.
Post 56 away from 3000 posts!

I was going to wait for this to be 100% confirmed before running with it, but screw it, I just posted the Jessica Drew thing on less info, and I posted that because the Sony rumors almost always come true.

So yeah, Scott Derrickson bailed out over "creative differences", and now Marvel is talking to Sam Raimi for "Doctor Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness".

"In talks", usually leads to being hired.
Not always, Jonah Hill didn't get The Penguin for "The Batman", but 8 times out of 10, you can kind of count on it.

So, I count this as "Spidey-verse", because, hey, it's the Spider-Man director in the MCU.

And the MCU is connected to the Venom-verse now.

And you just know Sony is gonna connect Venom-verse to the Spider-verse-verse, and the Spider-verse-verse to the Raimi and Webb movies.

Hell, they actually shot that scene for "Into The Spider-verse", but cut it at the 11th hour.
So, you know that its something they're chomping at the bit to do.

And when they inevitably do it, Raimi trilogy becomes part of the MCU.

AND, there's a Doctor Strange Easter egg in Spider-Man 1.

Jonah Jameson says something like "Doctor Strange!, that's taken..".

AND Spider-Man and Dr. Strange were both co-created by Steve Ditko.

So, Raimi is a fan of both characters, they're both Ditko creations, and he'll have directed them both.
And if all the Sony multiverse thingies pan out, he'll have directed in the MCU four times, and it'll all come full circle.

Plus, the plot of this flick is multiverse, and they might integrate some other old pre-MCU movies with that.
Oooh! What if they lift some stuff from "Hulk: Crossroads"?
So many possibilities!!
*Rubs hands*

Anyway, stay tuned for this!

Previously with Spidey-verse-

Jessica Drew Spider-Woman standalone. (MM #210) (SV #8)

Previously with MM-


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