Stuff from Facebook #33.
Part 2 of 4 of this series.
Wishy-washy spirituality.
January 4, 2014
"I believe in an indefinable 'something'", is the new "I'm not religious, I'm spiritual".
No, you don't believe in an indefinable something, you believe in God.
A wishy-washy something doesn't answer your prayers.
If it did, it wouldn't be wishy-washy, it would be fucking decisive.
A wishy-washy something can't heal sickness.
Complex intelligence with mystical powers and the deliberative certitude to use them do.
The wishy-washy therefore ought not "keep people in their hopes and prayers".
But they fucking do.
Also "putting forth positive energy into the quantum universe, and getting back positive energy", is bullshit-ese for a fucking prayer.
It's religion for people without balls to quit.
It's re-addiction to nicotine gum.
December 29, 2017
I can't fathom pedophilia as an attraction.
Kids are fucking gross.
No titties, no hips, they're all short, their hygiene is disgusting, their teeth are all fucked up, they're total morons to have a conversation with.
Their taste in television is Gitmo torture.
Ditto their taste in music.
And not a fucking one of them can draw.
Who gets a boner for that?
Wackos. Total fucking wackos.
If someone accused me of being a pedo, I'd laugh in their face, and repeat all of the above.
With gusto!
Pedos that get accused, and are fucking guilty, that's not the way they play it.
They can't bring themselves to say that shit.
They go attack dog on the accuser, and the media.
You never see them forsake pedophilia.
Remember that little detail.
It might be important later.
"Later", ended up being when Jeffrey Epstein danced at the end of a rope rather than spit out and forsake pedophilia.
Chopra on PBS
December 7, 2013
PBS is going to have a special with Deepak Chopra blathering his drivel.
It drives me fucking bonkers, this notion, especially among the left, that it's "enlightening", to give voice to un-enlightenment, or even anti-enlightenment bullshit.
But, then there's hypocrisy of what bullshit they cherry pick from.
As far as I'm concerned, if you'll have Deepak Chopra on, you might as well have on psychic mediums, and tarot readers, and ghost hunters.
And if you have that riff-raff, may as well go the full course, and have on Honey Boo-Boo.
Oh, heaven forbid that, we're PBS, we're serious.
So, it's just snobbery.
Class snobbery amongst the brands of bullshit.
Oh, our bullshit speaks well, dresses well, and has alphabet soup in front of its name.
None of that proletarian bullshit for us.
So fucking disheartening.
You really can't have anything without that taint on it.
Everyone gives in to it.
It's pathetic.
Evil daddies and the sunk cost fallacy.
January 16, 2018
I've always been both fascinated and perplexed how abused children of drunken/perverted/racist/etc pieces of shit worship their parent more in adulthood than children of regular nice parents, and lose their fucking shit more when they fucking die.
It's the exact inverse of what you'd expect.
And I think I finally hit on why.
It's the games you have to play to survive these fucking people.
A lot of making lemons out of lemonade, a lot of looking on the bright side, a lot of looking for the silver lining, and a lot of just outright denial.
All those mental calories they have to burn, they have to justify that labor, so they have to pile more bullshit on top of that.
Then once the bullshit gets mountain high, it's like "well, I've spent all my life building this bullshit mountain to this person as a monument, I'm fucking INVESTED now!".
So, when the fucker finally cacks, they're bawling and blowing spit bubbles not for the piece of meat in the bed, but for that fucking investment.
Show me a macho posturing redneck that worships his horrible nightmare of a "daddeh", I'll show you an emotional basket case with a time bomb ticker on their forehead.
And the update...
January 16, 2020
Short version, sunk cost fallacy.
Religion and the sunk cost fallacy.
January 16, 2015
You know what I love about faith?
No one has it.
It's that old Doug Stanhope joke, if you really believe in the afterlife, why do you wear a seat-belt?
But, the faithful won't cop to having no faith.
Then it makes me think of porn.
See, masturbation used to be this thing that everybody did, but no one would admit they did, and if you were caught at it, you were socially shamed.
Then, the internet came along, and gave everyone unlimited access to porn, and porn moguls became billionaires, and there was no use anymore denying that everyone was fapping and squicking.
There needs to be that something that blows the lid off faith the way internet porn blew the lid off masturbating.
So far, terrorism, and the Catholics buggering boys in staggering mind-crushing numbers hasn't done the trick.
I don't know what will do it.
I hope it comes soon.
And the update...
January 16, 2020
Sunk cost fallacy pretty much keeps religion afloat too.
Next up, part 3 of these.
Previously with SFF-
Liars and cowards, Part 1. (SFF #32)
Quick News: Rings, Hell, Shadow, Acquisitions, Us
19 hours ago
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