Meedyah Morsels #212.
Spidey-verse 10.
Post 55 away from 3000 posts!
Well, if the Sony Universe of Marvel Characters (SUMC) is going to hitch its continuity wagon to the MCU, let's sort out where it all goes! What say?
Well, the MCU left off with "Far From Home".
Next up is "Black Widow", which is actually a prequel that goes somewhere between "Civil War", and "Infinity War".
So, that's out of the way.
Next up is "Eternals", which takes place over thousands of years, so that's a cosmic prequel, so that goes before "Captain America: The First Avenger".
So, that's out of the way.
Next up is "Doctor Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness", and finally, that's the first one to happen in chronological order.
MCU sequels tend to happen in real time, and it comes out next year, so we've got some slack to play with now.
So, starting with the one we know is connected, Morbius, picks up shortly after "Far From Home".
There's a rumor that Woody Harrelson as Cletus Cassidey (AKA Carnage) also pops up.
So, this sets it just after "Venom", so that connects.
The after-credits to "Venom", says "meanwhile, in an alternate universe", and then shows a clip of "Into The Spider-verse", so that connects, and happens immediately after.
And then, coming next after "Morbius", is "Venom 2", where Cletus Cassidy finally becomes Carnage.
Then comes "Multiverse Of Madness", then Homecoming 3, whatever that's going to be called, then SUMC/Venom-verse will probably give shout-outs to that one, because face it, they're building towards re-absorbing Tom Holland to fight Venom and Carnage.
Which will probably happen in Homecoming 4, which they'll own outright.
It goes...
So, not only does Sony get to play in the playground, they pretty much get to own the place until 2021.
Well played, Amy Pascal, well played.
I'll probably have to re-adjust this as the flicks come out, and new twist surprises drop.
But with the data available now, I think this is pretty good as a baseline.
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