Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year!!

Oh, no, Mayan doomsday!!
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Fantasy Flicks

Adjacent to the "Barbarians", category I suppose..

Anyway, here's these...

The film-

Hey, speaking of Arthurian stuff....this is adapted from "the legend of Sir Gawain", which is sort of a medieval-era fanfic spinoff/sequel to the Arthurian legend.

Hey, who knew fanfic spinoffs went back that far?

Well....The Apocrypha, for darned sure, and IMHO, the New Testament...but...let's not break into a theology fight...

So, you've got Sean Connery, Peter Cushing, John Rhys-Davies, and Miles (Ator) O' Keefe.

Filmed for a budget of what seems like thousands, and scored feels like the guy who did the Filmation Tarzan, and Blackstar, that theme will not leave you for months.

But, as cheesey as this is budget wise, it still beats the shit out of another Connery Arthur movie, "First Knight".
Yes, I hate that one that much.
Richard Gere makes Miles O'Keefe look like Anthony Hopkins.

The history-


The Sword and the Sorcerer

The film-

Ehh...better'n Ator, not in the same family as Conan, or even Red Sonja, I guess...I'd put it almost on the level of the first Beastmaster...

The history-

I...I don't get it...
I was always allowed as a kid to see Beastmaster, and that's got some intense shit in it, this one has some gore, but it's also got titties, so...this was forbidden, like Conan to me.

But....there was a bigger fucking deal made about this one.

Like, my (then younger than me now) parents acted naughty about it, like they'd seen a porno or something, and kids at school who had hipster parents that let 'em see everything acted like they were the baddest asses in the world.
As if it were the Human Centipede or something.

I've finally fucking seen it now...and it's...okay...but intensity wise, it's fucking nothing.
I saw way worse even back in those days!
What was the big fucking deal?
What was it??

I'll never know, I brought it up to Ma once, she gives me a blank stare, and can't even remember the fucking thing.
Acts like I've hallucinated the existence of this movie.
I mean, she believes it exists, I watched the fucking thing, far as inserting it back into 80's history, our 80's history....wall of incredulity there.
Fuck sakes....


The film-

Ferris Bueller, Catwoman, and Roy Batty play D&D with the director of Superman as the DM.

Way better than it sounds, because that's an awful description.

The history-

Man, HBO had everything, why did we get rid of the damned thing?
Oh, right, movies got shitty, and rental was cheaper.
80's were the golden age, though.
Or, maybe it's nostalgia that makes me think so....

The Dark Crystal

The film-

So, Jim Henson's shop makes Yoda for Empire, and he just had to be like..."fuck, Yoda was the star of that baby, and this Lucas is actually a hack now that I've met him...why don't I just make a whole movie like that with these advanced puppets, and kick his overrated ass?". is pretty good.
The humanoid Gelflings weren't quite there yet, a bit stiff in the face, but all the monster-y things were nailed down.

An under-appreciated little gem.
Shit, it's better story-wise than Avatar.

The history-

HBO again.
Loved the shit out of it, had the read-along-cassette storybook.


The film-

As much as I loved Dark Crystal, this blows it out of the water.

The more time goes by, I'm more and more of the opinion that this was Henson's masterpiece.
Best thing he ever did.

And Bowie is the prototype for a zillion anime/Squaresoft villains.

The history-

Got this kicking around somewhere...


The film-

Ridley Scott, Tim Curry, Tangerine Dream, bam, put it in the blender, you got gold.

GOLD, baby!

The history-

Fantasy Ballooning rental!


The film-

Everyone was trying to make another Star Wars.

This....fell short...BUT, it's still a nifty little film.

Notable for having a prototype morph.
Not the actual morph Willow had, but hand-animated.
A guy turns back and forth to a goose.
Impressive, but I do not envy the carpal joints of that animator.
Yeah, before CG, they really were bumping up to the very limits of what could be done.

The history-

More fuggin' HBO, man.


The film-

Great fuckin' flick.
Pure fan adoration makes this a classic by act of willpower, every stuffy textbook on filmmaking probably says this is shit, but....somehow, it WORKS.
It's like peanut butter, bananas, and bacon, those ingredients are wrong, but the result is RIGHT.

Sprinkle Queen all over it, you've got fireworks.

The history-

Sequels? What sequels?
Show? What show?
No, those never happened. You've been bamboozled.

I noted the Terminator similarities, right?
Hm...nope, that's it, I guess.

Time Bandits

The film-

The best goddamned movie that nobody fucking seems to know about.

Buy this, dammit.
Don't rent, buy.

Own this.

David Warner as The Secular Devil, a pack of thieving dwarves as the heroes, Monty Python alums, and Sean Connery, it's the best thing you'll see in your life.

Your LIFE!

The history-

Like Heavy Metal, I'll have this until I'm dead on whatever medium.

The Princess Bride

The film-

The only reason "Time Bandits", isn't the perfect movie, is because this is.
You can't have two perfect movies, it would break the universe.

From here...

The perfect movie. 
Told my personal story about it here

The history-

So...from here...

Anyway, Smitty's used to be Cines 8, and before that..."The Bijou", I think.

Always been a theater despite the name changes, and remodels.

When it was Cines 8, I almost saw The Princess Bride there, but instead, I saw fucking Arachnophobia.

Ma went to see Princess Bride, and Arachnophobia was a piece of utter shit, and she told me how awesome Princess Bride was, and described all the best scenes on the ride home.


Some things in life, you can never get back.

I saw it on video, and love it to this day, but...the theater, dammit, the theater!
I was right there!

The Adventures of the Baron Munchausen

The film-

Another Terry Gilliam.

Not as great as Time Bandits, but still great.

Alas, we lost John Neville this year. :(

The history-

I can't remember not owning this.

Oh, yeah, Munchausen was previously adapted as this.


The film-

As mentioned, this has the first real morph.

I dunno, I like the flick, lotta people turn their nose up at it.

The history-

Not a lotta people know, the NES game of this kicked ass.
It was actually better than Zelda.
See, most people assume all movie property games sucked eggs, but this had the one good one, and no one knew, cuz they hated the movie.
Tch, oh well.

Now...those Chris Claremont novels spun off of this, they sucked eggs.
Ruined everything within the first chapter.

Masters of the Universe

The film/history-

See here.

Army of Darkness

The film/history-

Eats "Sword and the Sorcerer"s fucking lunch.

See here.

And phew, there, half hour until New Years, made it....

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Friday, December 30, 2011

Action Heroes.

There's thousands of these flicks, so, I'll just boil it down to the best of the action stars, and the best of their canon, and...further down to what I like.

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Yeah, you knew this one was coming.
Let's get to it...

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