Heavy spoilers for the series "Legion", and the X-Men movie franchise ahead.
Okay, so "Legion", just finished its third and final season, and the aftermath is, if you count it as part of the X-Men movie universe, it creates a third and fourth timeline, and finally gives it a proper ending.
Something the Fox movie people utterly failed to do out of callous indifference to the fans, and spite towards Disney.
Okay, before I can talk about timelines 3 & 4, I have to give the Cliff's notes version of timelines 1 & 2.
Timeline 1.
Timeline 2.
Okay, so here's how/why I think "Legion", happens in the X-Men movie-verse.
David is Professor X's son, they allude to it, and hint at it, but in season 3, they jump right into it.
But before that, they show Professor X's wheelchair, and it's the one from the first 3 movies (or a damned good replica). Good enough for me.
So, here's the spoilers for season 3, and how it futzes with the timeline.
Season 1 establishes that David was abandoned by his biological parents (he doesn't know who they are yet) he got locked up in an asylum, experiences all kinds of disturbing hallucinations, and alternate lives, then finds out he's not crazy, and he's not hallucinating, when The Mutant Underground busts him out, and reveals to him he's a powerful telepath.
He then finds out the source of his hallucinations and alternate realities is he got possessed as a baby by the spirit of an evil telepath who got beaten by Professor X.
David deduces this has something to do with why his parents abandoned him.
By season's end, he drives the spirit out, but in season 2, the spirit gets his original body back, and is revealed as Farouk, The Shadow King.
Season 3, David gets ahold of a Japanese girl who's a mutant with time travel powers, and he uses her to go back, and help Xavior beat Farouk, and prevent him from ruining his life.
He succeeds, and the version of him we've watched for 3 season fades away.
BUT before the change, we see that the Charles Xavior of this universe has hair, walks, and has his own primitive portable version of Cerebro.
And, he met his wife, David's mother, in an asylum when he thought his own telepathy was insanity, and helps her get well, and then they both check out, and try to lead normal lives.
Until Farouk pops up on a Cerebro scan, and draws Charles into their fateful confrontation.
This origin of Charles conflicts with "First Class", so this already splits off into the 3rd timeline.
Timeline 3.
Now, we don't see the new 4th timeline, but it's easy enough to reason through.
We see Charles stay with his wife, and baby David, and baby David doesn't get possessed by Farouk, and driven mad.
If Charles is a family man, that radically changes the X trilogy.
And if David is at his side, and sane, and pure good, he can kick everybody's ass.
Magneto, Sentinels, Phoenix, you name it.
So the dark futures in "Future Past", "Deadpool 2", and "Logan", never happen.
So "Future Past", "Apocalypse", and "Dark Phoenix", never happen.
And "Last Stand", never happens.
And if David can whup super villains, some bigoted senators won't be much of a challenge.
So Mutants get and keep their rights quicker.
And with that struggle gone, Magneto doesn't even have to be a villain, and can fight at their side.
And hell, Farouk became good, so he's probably on their team.
So, timeline 4 looks like this....
Timeline 4.
So, there you go "Dark Phoenix", wasn't the final word on X-Men, Legion was.
If only everyone watched it. :-(
And that's that.
Now, to retro-link this to the "Legion", entry in "The superhero TV graveyard (MM #128)".
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