I had to make up the term "Amazon Superhero Universe", and then abbreviate it, cuz...what else am I gonna call it?
I'm not gonna review every fucking Amazon show.
I just want the superhero shit.
And each of the shows is under a different non-Marvel/DC comic company.
Going by comic brand would negate a list.
1. The Boys
Best superhero show yet.
Better than Doom Patrol, better than Legion and Preacher, better than Marvel Netflix.
And...quite frankly...better than Watchmen.
Yep, its been dethroned.
And about goddamned time.
About a vigilante group that takes down superheroes gone bad.
And in their bleak universe, they've pretty much all gone bad.
They're already shooting season 2.
Be excited. :-)
2. The Tick
The upbeat, jolly, funny, and yes, even inspirational mirror-dimension to the world of "The Boys".
They compliment each other well.
Good choices, Amazon.
Peter Serafinowicz plays Tick like Adam West cranked up a couple notches.
He's excellent.
I admit it, I can't spell "Serafinowicz", to save my life.
I have to Google, and cut & paste every single goddamned time.
Well, now I've said his name here, so I can just come here to copy it off.
Ben Edlund created Tick, and took off to fame with him at fucking 18.
I'll try not to blow my brains out.
Anyway, this show defies all attempts to rank it against other shows.
Um....a smidge better than the CW stuff, I guess.
But CW isn't trying to do what Tick is doing.
Nothing is.
Yeah, screw it, Tick is its own thing.
And, that's those.
Best to get in on the ground floor when it's only two.
Previously with franchise rankings-
Previously with MM-
New posters for The Assessment, Opus
10 hours ago
Where have I heard of Peter Serafinowicz before....
...oh yeah, he was Darth Maul's voice twenty years ago.
*Googles him*
Damn, he's a chameleon.
So, what blog post do you want next, the chronology of Robby The Robot, or the next food post on pumpkin spice?
Robby the Robot - is that something AVGN covered?
Pumpkin Spice - I think John Oliver already did that one.
I'm stupefied I even recognized Serafinowicz's name. I gather Ray Park was just some martial artist Lucas spotted or something?
Stupid trivia: Watching TPM in theaters was the first I ever saw of Terrence Stamp in my life. Not Zod. (And certainly not, you know, the 1960s British stuff that made Stamp a big deal in the first place.)
Robby- The one from "Forbidden Planet", not the Nintendo toy.
He pops up in a bunch of other movies and shows, so I thought it might be neat to try to weave all that into a timeline.
Pumpkin Spice- Yeah, maybe that doesn't need doing, I just wanted to acknowledge that pumpkin spice Spam is a thing.
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