It occurred to me, my theater movie reviews actually started in 2012, but I never formalized it with a list.
So, here's that...
1. Avengers
Said it all in the review.
2. The Dark Knight Rises
I still don't understand the dismissive contempt in some circles for this movie.
I think it's fucking great.
Did people really think "Dark Knight", could be topped?
I dunno, people are fucking weird.
Well, I love ya, DKR.
3. Prometheus
Hey, at least it was trying something.
Frankly, in hindsight, I don't think the franchise needed to be messed with, but I get it, it's "valuable IP", so they're realistically never gonna leave it alone, so at least you get Ridley back.
I wasn't as crushingly disappointed with this as a lot of people.
I had fun with it.
Covenant, not as much.
Yeah, it's just three.
I didn't get out as much, plus, the superhero machine hadn't ramped up into high gear yet.
But, at least it's collected now.
Quick News: Rings, Hell, Shadow, Acquisitions, Us
19 hours ago
"Dark Knight Rises" is good enough. Satisfactory. Kinda trying to do too much at once towards the end, I guess, and a LOT of suspense of disbelief, but still good enough for what it was.
"Prometheus" - I consider it something of a disappointment, but I've never hated it--it does a few things right, like the "birth" bit.
The real reason I can't bring myself to hate it? I watched almost every other Ridley Scott movie about five years ago, and "Prometheus" has NOTHING on Ridley's numerous REAL turds. Ever see "Kingdom Of Heaven"? "Robin Hood"? "Someone To Watch Over Me"? "Body Of Lies"? "The Counselor"? "American Gangster"? "White Squall"? His first film, "The Duellists"? (It's RETARDED!) All good looking big budget pieces of dull forgettable schlock. Hell, even "Thelma & Louise" isn't very good. Hell hell, he won Best Picture for "Gladiator," and that's a dull piece of crap!!
He literally has like three bad movies for every good one--"Alien," "Blade Runner," "Matchstick Men," "Black Hawk Down," and that's about it! (Believe it or not, "G. I. Jane" isn't actually one of his worst movies!)
Brian De Palma was the other guy who I tried to watch the entire filmography of, and while his biggest turds are even worse than Ridley's ("Mission to Mars" and "The Bonfire Of The Vanities") he had far more good movies than Ridley!
Dallas Buyers Club-
Mahinga-hey got an Oscar?
I forgot that.
He physically transformed himself, that usually scores you 5 extra points.
Transformation aside, he was good...but Oscar good?
Yeah, backdoor lifetime achievement award.
American Hustle-
I didn't hate it, it had some funny parts, just
Gone Girl-
Surprised I liked it.
All of these are "eh, that doesn't look like my kind of thing", so it's always a pleasant surprise when I dig 'em.
I used to be more adventurous in the brick and mortar rental store days.
Dunno what happened.
Grand Budapest Hotel-
Yeah, I hated "Rushmore", seen bits and pieces of "Royal Tenenbaums", and wasn't impressed.
But "Grand Budapest", works way better, because the other ones put these cartoon acting characters in the real world, but here the cartoon acting characters are in a live-action cartoon world, so Anderson can just go full SpongeBob.
But, due to "Grand Budapest", being a surprise, I've got some of the other ones on my future lists. I'll even give "Tanenbaums", another chance.
It's not breaking the rules since I haven't seen it non-stop all the way through.
Yeah, Ridley Scott is kinda overrated.
BUT...when he sticks the landing, he sticks the landing.
Well...I dunno if he's overrated....he's lauded for his good ones, but no one ever puts him on Mount Rushmore next to Speilberg and Hitchcock.
I mean, individuals here and there probably do, but it's not the consensus.
Christopher Nolan has a better winning streak.
If he can keep it up for the next 15-20 years, I think we're talking Speilberg territory for him.
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