Thursday, May 30, 2024

Star Trek: Discovery, season 5 review!

Sent back in time from 7/23/24

Ditto what I said in LD season 4.

Previously with new-Trek-

Previously with Discovery-

...and it's over.

It was a good Trek journey.
I liked it.
By that, I mean the whole series. But the season too.
Season 3 was weakest, and I liked that, so this was fine.
The whiners act like DISCO 3-5 killed their fucking family.
Get over it. Jesus. Fucking people.

Even if you hated Discovery's guts, it directly spawned "Strange New Worlds" "Starfleet Academy" and "Section 31" and got the ball rolling for everything else.
You don't get Discovery, you don't get the shows you currently like.
I mean, Star Trek always would have come back, but it would have been some other show that spawned some other shows.
I'm sure they would have been good, but if you love the shows in this timeline, then shut up and kiss Discovery's butt.
Keeess eeet!!
Dooo eeet!!!

Ahem!! Anyway!!

So, it's another quest like season 4.
If you hate Discovery's arc structure, tough shit, here it comes again.

This time, it's the Progenitor race from TNG's "The Chase".

The baddies in our little "Cannonball Run" for the prize are the Breen from DS9.

Along the way, we also get Easter eggs from TOS, VOY, and SNW, and a character from ENT.
So, they work all the other shows in.
At least the classic ones.

They do some interesting things with the Breen that you'll either accept or blubber about.
Every DISCO season has had shit some segment of fandom blubbers about.
And, the anti-Burnham CHUDs keep hate-watching, and I can't fathom why.

If you hate Trek for "woke" you were never a fucking fan, and you're fucking lying to piss on people's fun. Nazis hate fun. That's why they banned jazz in Germany.
Call that "gatekeeping" if you fucking want.
I don't fucking care.

As usual, I'll do a better dissection when I get the discs.

Next up for these, Prodigy season 2.
Stay tuned!

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